Commands: (note: all commands are minus the quotation marks)
common commands you will need to know for
ndiswrapper use:
To install
a driver:
- "Ndiswrapper
-i drivername.inf" This command allows you to
a driver using an associated driver.inf (ex. bcmwl5.inf) file. To
be able to use
this command, you will need to be in the directory in which the driver
is located.
To list
installed drivers:
- "Ndiswrapper
-l" This command allows you to view any drivers that
currently installed via ndiswrapper.
To remove
a driver:
- "Ndiswrapper
-e" drivername This allows you to remove an
driver. (where drivername is the name of your driver, ex. bcmwl5)
To write
the configuration for mobprobe:
- "Ndiswrapper
-m" This command allows you to write the
for modprobe.
To remove
for any reason you need to start over with ndiswrapper (e.g. updated
kernel, etc.) you can remove the driver with "ndiswrapper -e driver"
(where driver is the name of your installed driver) and remove
ndiswrapper with a simple "make uninstall" command while in the
directory from which you installed ndiswrapper. For more
information on this procedure, click here.
To see a
list of ndiswrapper commands in the terminal:
A command
list for ndiswrapper can be viewed by typing
"ndiswrapper" in the terminal. If you
are unfamiliar
with logging in as root, the process goes like this: open a
terminal, type "su", and enter your password. BE CAREFUL!
Being logged in as root is an important task and you can mess things up
in a major way if you are unsure of what you are doing!
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