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«Full Moon wo Sagashite»

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Site ©>~KChan-Chanyo
Full Moon wo Sagashite © Tanmura Arina

Fluent Dreamer(s)



«Episode 31»

In the thirty-first episode,Full Moon goes to a Japanese college and is going to perform a concert! Though,the manager of the festivities needs a princess for this game called 'Love Love Attack'.The manager tells Full Moon about this and she is eager to be the princess of the game.
Since Meroku isn't in the spot light,she decides to enter the Campus Queen Contest.While Meroko is in the contest; two weight-lifter men run after Full Moon,because they love Full moon-chan.Takuto and Full Moon run to the elevator,it's almost too late.But Takuto uses will power and turns into a human and protects Full Moon.After that Full Moon and Takuto go on a 'date' together (Sou Kawaii! ^.^).
When they go to the planetarium Full Moon rambles on about what Eichi-kun told her about the stars.Takuto obviously gets jealous and walks out.Full Moon asks why Takuto hates when she talks about Eichi-kun.Takuto thinks that it's really irritating when Full Moon is always talking about him. The fight ends with Takuto saying that he isn't a substitute for Eichi-kun.

Full moon is ready for the Love Love Attack 'game show' like program.But it seems that they left out one detail for the game.The game is really a tournement to see who can do these challenges to receive a kiss from Full Moon.Of course,those weight lifting guys are in the competition.But,so is Takuto! He joins the contest to protect Full Moon,even though he was mad at her! (<3)
In the end Takuto ends up being the victor,and almost receives a kiss.But Meroko,after winning the Queen Campus Contest comes in and tackles Takuto.
Full Moon is safe,and manages to sing at her 'Eternal Snow' Concert at the Japanese College ^^

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