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From ICCDBB Sermon Page 8.

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GodMath Sermon, Chart 1 of 12.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff November 19, 2005

This is a true story.

Having read the Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ and seeing the newly described increasing revelations of God as civilization has never before seen, save of that part of the unspoken mind of Jesus Christ until now, the time was come to faithfully do as evidenced as being the Will of God.

The more unusual Christian part, that is, the more exciting part that has never before been so stated among people and even among Christians, that is moreover, that goodly portion which shall not be removed from civilization, is the faithful technical collection of start-up type endeavors; as if full of risk, yet of the Holy Spirit, therefore the opposite of risk and supposition.

This work is not toward interpretation, rather ascension according to the Holy Word handed down from God to Moses, and herein testifying in witness, handed up again of Jesus Christ.

The workings of this sermons series is not for selfish taking, rather of the Word for giving according to the Word including people including the Chosen People, for the greater glory of God.

Wisdom Chart

From the most pure words of the Bible, the GodMath style attempt was made to assemble the most Holy words with the most fitting numbers Absolutely, as the great I AM is God not only in Word yet also in Deed.

Because the most Holy of words is not easily understood by people, this Absolute lesson starts with more easily understood concepts, that ascension unto most Holy GodMath might be better understood of each reader (and speaker of this Work).

Many of faith do not accept many gifts (from God) unless they can perceive those things come from the Bible. Many of technical expertise do not accept many gifts (from God) unless they can perceive those things come from the (popularly accepted) legal standard of logic.

Combined, many have formerly failed to receive many blessings from God. God continues to give, powerfully.

God gives yet hardly can any person receive, save One. That is, faith can be used properly as God intended, just as technical expertise can be used properly as God intended. Here is a new promise, even a new blessing for you: faith and expertise combined yield wisdom.

It is hardly a person issuing God orders alone that is the Will of God, similarly it is hardly the works of flesh alone that is the Will of God. Rather there is a solution. Many preachers preached faith, yet their congregations faded and are no more. Many experts innovated improved products, yet their product lines no longer produce.

If your words and works still yield, count your blessings, yet close not your eyes and ears. Eternity is long and you have hardly started. Some people restrict their lives to old teachings, so hardly that alone prepares them for setting goals after their physically human mortality is done as God wants all to do likewise as God does and conquers the new. Some people restrict their lives to the precision of quotas and contracts, so hardly that alone prepares them for the future living of God who wants prophesying type leadership in the midst of no contract and void, even to creatively start the conversation without prompting and without a sales pitch.

Hardly merely quote old Bible text, even an old tape recorder can do that. Hardly merely give a gift, even a thirsty person can selfishly prime the pump.

Hardly merely re-read the Old Testament, even a computer scanner can to that. Hardly merely re-begin as with receipt of a new order, even a machine can do as much and you are not here merely to be a machine.

The GodMath Testament reveals: Love x Knowledge = Wisdom.

How many times did you read the Old Testament and come to that realization, or how many times did you meet the business projection accurately and come to that realization?, even so, understand this: wisdom of the ages creates knowledge from faith.

Therefore, go too, and create faith, then go too, and thereof create logic. Go in living faith to create new faith, thereof go in living logic to evolve new witness capable of comprehending the greater blessings to come. This do, for God.


For the official Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ site at, click here.


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To visit the Second Page of Sermons of the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

To visit the Third Page of Sermons of the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

To visit the Fourth Page of Sermons of ICCDBB, (first part of Old Testament) click here.

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To visit the Seventh Page of Sermons of ICCDBB (Mormon Testament) click here.

The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.