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From ICCDBB Sermon Page 8.

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GodMath Sermon, Chart 2 of 12.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff November 19, 2005

To create, you already know, if you saw GodMath Sermon, Chart 1 of 12, as Chart 1 was adduced directly from the Old Testament, and in agreement with the New and Mormon Testaments, as discussed in GodMath Testament.

Having learned how to create, now is to learn how to evolve for Jesus Christ. Having learned to create, and therefore how to make prophecys, there is already in you the ability to as if work with your hands (rather to actually work with the Hand of God) being to create, and you learned as if how to call on the title of the plan (rather to actually call on the Name of the Lord) being to prophesy.

Absolutely you have come far in faith and in logic, therefore in wisdom, even the Wisdom of God.

Faith and Righteousness Chart

To evolve is to logically add aspects according to those givens already held as knowns. Givens of works, and knowns of name and criteria, yield a step of wisdom.

Wisdom therefore is the product of multiples faith and logic, and such belongs to the GodMath classification. Within unifying Absolutivity is contained GodMath and Relativity. Within Relativity is logic, but not illogic, lest it be un-Relative. Faith is within GodMath. Faith is un-Relative as it is creating as One Faith, save when not leaving the other undone to create givens and knowns Relatively as with miracles including baptism (givens) and witnessing including prophesying (knowns).

The main part of these aspects is explained concisely and in new math, in the Second Chapter of the GodMath Testament, in a way appropriate that an advanced grade schooler could easily understand (recommended reading).

Yet as you may witness here, this can quickly ascend to collegiate complexity and beyond, according to how the user wants to put the Bible to work, whether in charity, Church, business, school, government, or other talent realm for glorifying God.

Because created Chart 1 has math, we can now logically use that math to evolve other charts. Here are some advantages and disadvantages: to create of knowns is typically to do so at the expense of given works, and to evolve of given works is typically to do so at the expense of knowns of the original plan of God.

Consider how a moth is drawn to a flame, enjoying the light and warmth, but not the destroying part that can consume it, therefore it holds wisdom. Let us rise above what a moth already holds.

Let us examine the complexity of the Universe, even let us examine the light of God. Let us enter the flame properly, without being burned, just as we would enter a home properly, and not as hail that holds little love for the master of the home.

Let us be the flame, giving light and warmth properly, not as the extinguisher of life, rather as the bread. Rather than seek money, let us be money, rather than seek a job, let us be valuable unto others yet always for the greater glory of God.

Can a moth or a pet do such?, even so, leave them behind for now and be with the human image of God, dwell with the mind of God. Be ye wise as foxes and sly as serpants, yet be ye alway for God. Be One with the Wisdom of God. No price, it's already paid; no effort, it's already done; save One, yourself to agree to enter into the Kingdom. All is paid and done, save to walk the faith, and teach the Word of logic as God is not of confusion.

So as shown above, is a plane of faith. To faithfully evolve from selfishness is to repent (too of tradition holding some value, to be Baptized in the Name of the Lord), to reach the vertex. Then love to ascend in faith. This faith can be verified logically, as a person can look it-up in the Bible and find it agrees. The person therefore can use logic to verify this fact of faith, testifying and witnessing. Therefore as discussed above, this is no longer limited to faith, yet also this is become logic. The One faith has become two logic portions, the created and the witness.

This is only true because the two agree as One. It is no longer only faith, yet also faith with logic. Faith has evolved. The created as stated here, has become the logical, yet has not diminished the faith.

If the logic misinterprets the faith, the logic must try again until the logic gets it right, or the logic must choose wisely, even from the start. Yet be warned, not all logic produces agreement with faith, as evidence in the following charts.


For the official Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ site at, click here.


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To visit the Second Page of Sermons of the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

To visit the Third Page of Sermons of the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

To visit the Fourth Page of Sermons of ICCDBB, (first part of Old Testament) click here.

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To visit the Sixth Page of Sermons of ICCDBB (New Testament) click here.

To visit the Seventh Page of Sermons of ICCDBB (Mormon Testament) click here.

The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.