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From ICCDBB Sermon Page 8.

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GodMath Sermon, Chart 3 of 12.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff November 19, 2005

Faith is a straight line, yet of the world of logic, the line of faith often seems to be twisted out of shape, yet faith does not twist. To examine some of why it seems to twist, let us examine as if it would twist to conform to logic.

This Chart shows the decision making process: choice.

As was learned was created in Chart 1, and as was learned was evolved in Chart 2, numbers can be assigned; yet also in the Chart 2 explanation came the warning against luck and chance, therefore leave not much up-to luck, so to speak, as leaving undone repentance, for instance, leaves undone the so dependent factors.

Starting with God first, therefore is to start with faith first rather than selfishness, yielding the self coming from faith:

Self / Repent / Love / Faith.

Love = Self x Repent.

Faith = Repent x Love.

So logic (in other words, so the world), sees faith as turning from the self, repenting. Therefore logic agrees love includes turning from the self. To picture God as a self, logic sees God turning and therefore faith turning (yet truth does not rely on such luck included within logic). Even so, knowing this fact, we may yet explore for enlightenment as never before (save of the Wisdom of Christ) for the greater glory of God; as we go out as if among wolves, snares, and pitfally, yet not for selfish fun, rather to conquer unexplored territory to claim it for God (immediately being blessed, advancing civilization as a whole).


As shown above, sometimes faith and logic agree, 50% / 50% so to speak. Yet sometimes faith and logic do not have the same path when sin is involved. Instead of calling it sin, let us conquer this for God, and claim it, and give it a new name, even a name worthy of Jesus Christ, even to agree with Jesus Christ in Name, so that there is no more room for sin within our perspective herein with Christ, therefore being Our Holy Perspective Adduced as One for God. So as no more sin, yet agreed as choice, such is not to say to follow such choice, save One higher reasoning as this pattern is known as flawed from the start as faith does not turn from the truth of God.

Some choices are clear to people, some are not clear. Some choices seem as though either can be selected, as there seems to be insufficient information to make the decision wisely, and such is true to the extent of logic, yet wisdom includes faith, and faith alway has the upper hand, the creative force that governs logic, that is the source of logic, as luck is not the source of righteous eternally good and proper faith.

So as we view the 5:10 ratio, the choices seem identical, yet at the 10:-5 ratio, the choices are opposite each other. So when confronted with a choice at the 5:10 ratio point, as if the future is unknown, then considering normal numbering enables proper selecting in this temporarily-twisted edification theory, that is, in this exploratory plan.

Lest the wrong choice and the negative path enter chaos of fading and diminishing value, the wrong choice must repent. Lest the good path of exploration repent to continue exploring for God, the body of exploration ends logically under the law and passes from present to former.

To continue exploring for good, continues to conquer for God. To explore and reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom of God for the greater glorying of God, is to immediate glorifying of kings, even the Wisdom of the Great King!

Logic can be led to follow the path of the circle, faith leads the straight and narrow, not only into the future creating, yet also of the created future from the initial Plan of God.


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The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.