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From ICCDBB Sermon Page 8.

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GodMath Sermon, Chart 4 of 12.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff November 20, 2005

This true story continues, the story about the best way to learn about God in the best way this advanced civilization offers.

In GodMath Sermon, Chart 3 of 12, was learned what love is, and also learned was that Faith = Love x Repent. Repent is change according to choice. So is given as known logically (adduced from faith) that to have repentance from waste, a choice is needed, to have a choice, logic is needed, to have logic, love is needed, and to have love, faith is needed; although current civilization physics and law naturally omit such aspects being too complex to be understood in former civilization as a whole, and Churches have often dwelt on these redundantly without progressing, yet of GodMath 1.2 / John 3.16 / Genesis 3.22 / Genesis 1.2 the righteous choice pattern existsm yielding:

Repentance / Choice / Logic / Love / Faith.

Faith = Logic x Love.

Love = Choice x Logic.

Logic = Repentance x Choice.

The above equations fit within thoughts that progress and learn over time, yet the above also fit into non-time planning for creation, that is, the thoughts have a starting point yet no end point as they are perfectly eternal, and time is the difference between then and then or now, yet there is only a single then: then and eternal: therefore timeless according to the dictionary definition of time. The world (logically agreeing with faith) has an end time, so to the world, to logic, there is an end and there is a time that applies.

Yet to the pure in faith after the world of logic no longer compares and only witnesses to good and good make that final unifying judgement, there is former fulfillment realized as if (counted as) undone hence no longer witness [save] as there would only be One Will of the Father: of faith as logic judged itself and has no more, save the One United Father God create that more witnessing be enabled; yet rather than repeat is a new creation in Super Logic yet unknown to current civilization that should be learned.

Former thought patterns will pass as the best and better and unknown greater are realized and witnessed as being of greater-ing value in the Holy One of Israel; of venue, yet with direction as in Genesis 1.2, as written in the Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ.

God gave the seed, the Holy Word. As We use the seed, We come to life more greatly. Moreover, as We use the Word, it becomes the Living Word more abundantly, therefore We are blessed of it, therefore We should glorify God, not to glorify Ourselves as One, rather to bless the perfect Will of One Eternal Heir to the Kingdom of One. Let each person thank Jesus Christ, even if each person does not make it into Heaven. That is, let each person learn and understand there is something more important in teamwork even if there is no other team, for a time, and half a time, and times. Practice, yet perfect!

Genesis 1.2 = Genesis 3.22 x John 3.16.

1.2 = 3.22 x 3.16.

1.1 = 1.3 x 1.2.

God created Earth = God created light x God moved over water.

Earth = Light x Moving.

As We approach the speed of light, we (as if / Relative) gain inertia and weight, so to speak. Mercy becomes hard, to include law. Faith becomes logic, yet faith endures forever. Faith loves logic, and logic agrees with faith: Oneness. God already has righteous direction, other direction is contrary, as fuel that is spent and become no more value, even naught save of the grace of God.

Yet the grace of God holds logic faithfully, accordingly to the greater purpose as recorded in the Word. So as with One giving Their and Our only Son, logic ends save logic be faithful, only and purely.

Genesis 3.22 = GodMath 1.2 x John 3.16.

Faith = Choice x Logic.

So it is logical to choose faith in the One Son.


For the official Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ site at, click here.


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The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.