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From ICCDBB Sermon Page 8.

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GodMath Sermon

(illustrated, followed by brief GodMath Testament Book Review with pics).

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff October 16, 2005

Today We use highly advanced state-of-the-art technology. It is the Digital Age. In the past, people would say this would be the "push button age". Well that was true too, this is true too, to a large extent.

Today is the new idea: Digital. Yet in the past was the less technical forerunner of the same: Moorse Code. Bible code is similar, with digital patterns immersed in the Mormon Testament, more deeply immersed in the New Testament, and furthermore deeply seated in the most profound starting of recorded Holy Language, the Old Testament. The path is clear.

Today people continue to work to steer cars, and to carry trash to the dumpster. There is room for more technology, for instance, the trash can or trash compactor have not advanced sufficiently to move the material to the street-side where the truck can get it.

Yet God has advanced. Even blessing civilization, so civilization has advanced. Thank God. God has made a value market, even a money market to reduce trash at the origination point, as with advanced packaging. Some products are even the packages too, such as even the store bought Christmas mini-[Yule log] fireplace fire starter: just toss the whole package in and light (may not be so with every manufacturer thereof).

Also God is increasing the pattern of technical expertise toward digitizing trash into recyclable materials, according to metals, plastics, and so on; similar to the motif of putting new wine into new wine sacks (in those days of the Old Testament, new wine chemicals would leak if put in old wine sacks). This is similar too, to the Old Testament pattern of valuation of people. Valuing [trash and/or] recyclables certainly does not take-away from the value of any person, as trash value is not a respecter of persons (save One God).

Another Biblical pattern motif is the cleaning of a house until the person in the New Testament found the coin that had been lost. Another motif that applies to the trash is the appointing of One to head over all [trash matters], as found in the New Testament Branch of Acts 1.24 as One was to be chosen to advance in position, and as found in The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ 3 Nephi 18.5 and 6 as with One to be chosen, advancement was to be according to the broken Christ, the broken bread, the remnant, awesome to the world.

Even beyond awesome is the casting of lots: gambling the chosen position, expanding the pattern of 3 Nephi 18.5 on the [moreso] original pattern of Acts 1.24 through 1.26, built on the witnessing motif of Joshua 18.6 [and similar], founded on the original motif of Leviticus 16.8. So of priorities the low answers to the high, even high tech, even high tech answering to God.

And to the world of logic, it seems cyclical, with the high answering to the lowly: even the One ordained as High Priest and Minister and Disciple and Chosen, as if to answer to the lowliness of chance of the draw, the casting of lots, and the luck of gambling being offensive to so many.

Yet the world is as if right, that is, the world can reveal justice according to the facts, according to legal patterns, according to evolved ideas of cyclical thinking. Yet cyclical systems are bought and sold for divers prices.

Even a worldly person of logic and lacking Holy Faith, can have their visions undermined and bought-out-from-under them, and they be left desolate and wasted. Yet in linear faith Jesus Christ paid the price, once and for all, even higher than the cyclical world, even higher than the reasoning of the double-minded person that thinks a way only to turn back on their own reasoning.

Here is given to you a key, here is a miracle of faith, and it has a name, and it's name is Jesus Christ.

Many patterns have now been shown to you in this sermon. Multitudes more exist. Even One exists. Unto the faithful is the faithful giving to others, not in respect to them (although yes within the patterns of the Holy Word, and even so), rather in respect of the Will and Word of God, and rather for God.

In the Oneness is even the blessing being the living giving pattern, even a new pattern, even a Holy Motif. Such Motif does not succumb to chance, rather works according to the Holy Will, as rather the Will of the Father be done, and only thereby is there any chance or choice or grace given.

Here is the paradox of the ages revealed. Herein is the unselfish giving pattern revealed. There is a choice always, as chance and luck happen to them all. Yet unto the faithful (as the lacking faith part of the world, even of that part of each choice: plainly speaking, so to speak: as rather let Us be of One Mind) is of the faithful giving not of command, rather of love of God.

At the proper place in the material cycle (of data), the faithful love conquers the logic rounding back on itself (yielding the more progressive helical evolutionary body). Yet moreso and rather and more truely, and even true is the linear faith of God, the linear pattern.

As the linearity is learnt, the advancement is optimized. From circular to helical to linear, even according to the pattern of the coriolis effect, even according to the pattern of the leaping as electrons jump within the capacitor, and even according to the cells as they index according to the heartbeat.

To the world, the blood cells are of a circular system, as are electrons: even the blood cells and electrons and too the planets are themselves circular.

Yet divinity progresses unseen, linear, even until from the worldly perspective, that the linear in part is revealed of faith, unto logic, that is, faith reveals for (for God, yet not leaving the other undone) people to see, starting with the people holding to precious faith, even the chosen.

The pattern is clear, of faith the mountain is moved, even of technology. And of faith the planets Will answer.

Even logic can figure-out this riddle: Which is more powerful, evolution or creation. One answer is that evolution can have sufficient knowledge to blow-up itself; yet faith knows love. If love, then all these [as if other] things are added unto it, even multiplied manyfold for the greater glory of God. Praise be to God.

Therefore let the good faith sink into your soul and rather learn immediately and let it burst forth that you be a blessing unto others, giving and sharing your new found loving wisdom (even if it so be included, selling your ideas if for the better glorification of God, as provided of God with the free giving talent already provided).

If to be blessed, be faithful, if to be faithful, remember even in logic to give Jesus Christ the thanks and praise, according to the best personal plan you have, even One Holy Plan, Amen.

Therefore turn the reasoning of the world properly, from circular to helical to straight. Unfold the thinking of the world, even be the leap from folded to straight. Be from good to better, even good times new:

Better = Good x New.

Good / New / Better.

Leave not undone edifying, read this pattern each direction, of worldly reasoning:

From Good comes New yielding Better;

Of reverse logic, as if Holy, yet with logic:

From God comes Better than the world, with new ideas to produce good people.

Yet of GodMath and greater:

Equal is One, the direction is New.

The following data may seem random at first.

Then quickly becomes evident the horizontal motif of lines and circles. First the pattern is perceived, then the motif parameter is mentally defined. To the world, first is pattern recognition, logically, and then comes motif detail, the smallest particle of faith, the smallest particle of the Word and the Will; so to speak.

First comes to the worldly way(s) of thinking, the overall pattern, then from that the world derives applications according to the smallest building block, the motif.

To the faithful Creator, also being the logical and faithful Creator, first comes the Will of the Creator to build the motif, and then with logical witnessing comes the building (repeating the motif, and similarly building on that foundation) of the pattern.

Hence faith builds the motif first, and first the world recognizes (logically from faith) the pattern.

This is not to say faith is better than logic even if true, rather this is of Oneness, not only of pattern recognition, yet moreover of new learning of how to recognize patterns, yet moreover yet to come is how to create the optimum motif.

Above are illustrated simple lines and circles. So much more if the lines OR circles were words, yielding additional ideas, even cumulatively making the sum more valuable than isolated components. So much more yet if the lines AND circles were words, multiplying complexities of fathoms of meanings, making exponential patterns of reasoning. Moreover, what if the lines and circles were people, moreover, what if One Chosen People.

The following is a pattern indicates not only greater possibilities of reasoning, yet also smaller fractions, with new emergent patterns and motifs. From the circles come lines. Yet in higher reasoning, the line was always there and circles merely made such plain to perceive.

What shape is God?, is as if to ask What shape is creating? Yet Jesus Christ is human image. Circular is not bad, save unto the thinking of the sinner. How good is linear, save unto faith?, even so, Yes.

In other words, there are choices, and then there are choices. It is alright to ask yourself is a given situation, Do I really want to go there?, in thinking and such. Rather, seek where God wants to go.

A person can build a pattern, but does it edify, does it glorify God?, and if the answer is yes, then good.

There are many choices in life, and some are life [and death, so to speak] decisions. There are choices, yet some "choices" are not choices at all unto the faithful, as some are required of God according to the Holy Word of the Holy Will.

Faith is of grace until it is revealed unto, and subjucated under logic, then it is no more faith, but logic; no longer unseen by the world, but seen. Thereby, important points of faith doctrine are hardly about privilege and choice, and are instead under law, such as Baptism, derived from grace, yet now moreso under Church law increasingly.

So why is there suffering in the world, why does God let people suffer, why does pain exist?; these and many more questions are answered here, with the preceding sentence: as faith is revealed, judgment increases. As miracles are discovered, (as if) pain increases against the sinner, unto the reasoning of the sinner. The sinner becomes undone, their sinful deeds are (as if) turned back on themselves.

When the world lacks mercy and is forced to come to the light (according to the world's selfishness to attain everlasting joy), the world judges itself in it's own mind. Hardly can the worldly person bear the burden of dying for others, let alone the higher reasoning of rather being for God. That is, not only to die, yet to also do more longsuffering than that and work not only hard, yet furthermore to work perfectly as God did to create, with no chance for excuse, and with all burden of responsibility accepted eternally.

Are you ready for that?, more importantly are you first perfect to be able to create a perfect motif is called of God to so do? Yes is the right answer.

There are worldly (as if) life-threatening decisions to make. Yet of faith, there is the New Solution to make.

The world sees major and minor choices. God has One correct choice, always.

The above illustration shows an idea that is not as people picture Heaven, and it is hardly as people picture their own lives, even if they enjoy puzzle-making, as there is more to life than puzzles, although puzzles can be fun.

So if not a graven image of something in Heaven, and also if not a graven image of something in Earth, yet used in Holy Work, then it is an image dealing with the firmament between Heaven and Earth, between the Creator and the created.

Many can understand the illustration, taking pieces of situations and fitting those with known aspects in their lives. Sometimes the pieces don't fit right, and sometimes a single connection joins entire sectors.

This illustration above shows a width dimension, yet rather consider width narrowing to a single line of pieces. Apply this narrowing idea to various senses of words, and the more important part of how God most wants the Word to be used, that is, God wants yet rather God seeks to save the lost that such unite and be One, single-minded in purpose and duty to properly: each personally witness of God in whole-hearted truth.

Each definition is to come together in One greater sense, and all words are to come together in One Holy Word, Jesus Christ. Each person is to come together of their own personal choice, accordingly to their own choosing lest they fail to do so, even so as clear-minded of at least justice until end time, when all people are to be One righteously. Surely One comes quickly, even now of personal choice: One / Chosen Jesus Christ / Witnessed Father. Also: One / Conquering Lovingly / Christian / Follower Of Christ / Jesus Christ / Chosen / Covenanting / New Properly Uniting Tribal Pattern / Covenant / Tribes.

To the left in the illustration above, below the dashed line is the world with bits of emontion and data bits and some connected pieces of logic discovered (yet all discoveries are according to faith, even discovering to evolve comes of the faith of the original Creator, as such One gave a talent to survive, yet not for the purpose of abusing such talent by addictive selfishness, rather outward and reasonably not leaving the other undone: survival yes, yet toward protecting the Eternal Heir, the Holy One of Israel, of One Chosen People; according to the Word).

Moving up on the left side of the above illustration is seen advancement from chaos to the end of worldly logic if faith is not chosen personally; therefore next step is chaos again and void save God provided hope to thereby come to an important life-changing point of choice, being personal repentance. Thereof in modern times came the New Testament witness of the tradition of Baptism.

Then comes the Holy Spirit as lightening to some, and to gradual realization to others who would so accept. The quick change is clear unto the person personally, yet the gradual may be less realized unless the person reflect on their good rememberance of the Will of God and therefore witness and recall how perhaps they gradually overcame suicide tendancies, or gradually their body healed; or they might not have worldly signs at all; even they might have greater hurdles challenging them until the victorious time of glory for their personally loving God is of optimized importance in them.

Let these grow together, some flower bloom quickly, others slow to the world yet accordingly to the longsuffering joy talents worked quickly in a way unrealized by the world. Yet all these have seeds that leap out on faith, even to the ground, just as a grapevine raises it's own new seed, that all may see and enjoy, that new, accordingly sweet and even more refined crops arise. Yet rather that people, even such as some might call "gods" as written in ancient days, might taste of the wine, and therein work to preserve the [flowering plants and] best vine, removing other plants and weeds that might hinder the vine. So the greater leap is not even within, rather properly outward, yet hinges on personal choice.

So a person grows in wisdom and aspires to perfect love. With such comes greater faith unseen yet more in-tune and increasingly easier to grasp, that is, easier to give as blessings outwardly.

And since perfect is involved, then responsibility to bless properly, motivating people in the perfectly right direction is of perfect love, lest a person fail to maintain perfect love.

In such perfect love therefore is the perfect logic of God found, yet of such a realm of perfect faith that the responsibility of a person to bear such is the giving of the essence of life, even the all of a person. Not that the world controls the end of life, as there is no power save that One places certain authority over the currently undone, the currently incomplete of their own personal choosing; and faithfully speaking, those who choose to reach lower to save and raise people, for God.

A person that logically and faithfully puts together their life properly, gains many advantages unseen in the world. Not leaving the other undone, also the world sees the faithful adding advantages unto the world, as signs and wonders follow the faithful; yet the more important part is hardly known by the world, save of loving Jesus Christ.

The more important part is faithfully lead and conquer as One for the Holy Father: Jesus Christ. Learn patterns, and realize the insufficiency and creat new and better patterns, realized of the higher order for God, even the new. All was created and that is done, even long ago. Yet all new is of personal choosing, and God made choice, and each choice is enabling new awakening. So all was created, yet new appreciating is coming quickly, even already and more.

The new style has arrived, yet needs to be worn to be more thoroughly appreciated, yet even to dress to attract One Eternal Spouse (even if already married in the world, to attract the same spouse more, even newly). Even to attract the Holy Spouse in Heaven, even to attract unsaved to become saved, and immaculate.

These are all of the same patterning of the One Holy Motif. These are all the Gift of God, the talent of perfect loving.


GodMath Testament Book Review:

The Book is not immediately easy to understand in the relative sense of trying to associate the first chapter with previous Testaments, yet with further reading of it's books and chapters, much not only becomes clear, yet also magnifying. GodMath Book starts with discussing something of considerable debate, as if the scientists were not on the the same side of the fence as the faith leaders. The reader is as if thrown into the middle of a discussion of selfishness and evolution, seemingly contrary to many popular thought patterns. Yet the first chapter brings those who have not yet chosen great faith, into the conversation, into the discussion, into the personal gaining of knowledge, more per sign than per logic even though logical; more per blessing than per their having to prove their case in court, even though the greater faith loses not along the way although it may seem so within relative to the world logic.

Then in the second chapter of the Book a new math is revealed, making the Book even more strange. The reader is immersed in a realm of doubt and misgivings, and wonderings of what is going-on here.

Then with the figuring-out of the new math, comes some enlightenment, even to think "pure science" in a new way, that is, even to think in a new "pure" way, according to what language experts have used. And so it seems as the way it was written, yet GodMath Testament is hardly founded on such expertise, and is rather clearly insightful according to careful cross-referencing information contained in previous Testaments. These just happen to agree with various experts, yet the GodMath Testament remains unstained from the world. Even inviting the world in later chapters, to turn from improper shying away from proper faith as if contaminating test results.

To see the Bible in a new way, is refreshing.

To see the greater way to glorify God is outstanding, a blessing, even a greater love. The same God, yet new love.

GodMath Testament teaches greater love, and teaches how to teach greater love, and the same goes in conquering.

GodMath Testament gives much blessing for the faithful to consider (and appreciate), yet leaves not undone the reaching into the hearts of those satisfied with their current posts in life.

Purchasing GodMath Testament is strongly recommended. Even if a person is interested in entertainment, arts, or other things, they will even so find great value in GodMath Testament, if they reasonable read and reasonable use merely a light amount of effort to understand, then they will certainly fairly find joy, that is, even a little hope can mean much, yet so much more is in GodMath.

How shall a person evaluate GodMath Testament Book?, rather as shown in the GodMath Testament is that considering should be as to how God appreciates GodMath Testament, that is, to what extent. The extent is this: this Testament suits this current time, it is proper in this current civilization, God wants to bless people, and civilization has advanced to the current point of being able to reasonable agree with these new covenants, even One agreeing.

This GodMath Testament agrees with the old, yet comes as a breath of fresh air, enlivening the spirit. This GodMath Testament is as a wind in the sails of religion, yet helps those in agreement with God, as if to soar to new heights, even broadening their horizon, if they will agree with the greater Will. GodMath Testament has made the path clear.

Note: The illustrations on this site were not found worthy of the quality proper for inclusion in the GodMath Testament, yet indicate the general direction toward the more valuable.).

For the official Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ site at, click here.


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The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.