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From ICCDBB Page 8 of Sermons List: In the End.

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In the End.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff September 10, 2005

In the end, there was victory unto eternal living more abundantly!

With the rising of Jesus Christ came the beginning of the new age, that is, the beginning of fulfillment of thought of past ways, unto the start as a seed opening itself unto the angelic agreement, and passing through to Heaven forever. Each new life leading Heaven with conquering victory such as had never been come to pass.

Each new One in Christ was leading Heaven so that nothing could withstand the greater life controls and greater life forces, that is, anything insufficient failed in comparison and had melted away long ago, so no comparator remained standing, even the Standard of the Church was all that remained with nothing and no person left to weigh in the balance.

Judgement was then gone and only righteousness remained. All were of One accord, and only goodness was left. Sharing, charity, and even love too became fused together that no separation and no doublemindedness was left. There was no double-spirit, no difference, no double-soul, as all that were remaining victorious were One, and no distinction remained save One Plan of Creation, and even that was accomplished and done.

Even words failed as the Holy Lamb achieved the impossible as it seemed, yet it was not impossible, it was even simple and plain to understand, and all agreed in mind, spirit, and soul, and the simplicity of it was so profound as to cause silence so that while each and every and all as much as possible pondered how such an easy solution could be found to so many complex problems, they all together recalled how as it was written, that all things were plainly told of Christ beforehand, and that even as in 3 Nephi page 454 He had expounded all the scriptures in One.

So then now, therefore, at that time they did become to know more thoroughly and most assuredly the Mind, and even the Heart and Soul and Spirit of the Holy Ghost of Jesus Christ God Almighty, Creator of Eternal Heaven. And finding themselves such as One completely and entirely, as Jesus Christ had already been for so long, all became of the same thinking, being Holy Thinking, and all things on any consideration they did already know whether future or past.

They were truely God, and truely had become like one of Us, even Us, and no longer other than God. They knew the truth and they were free from the past and their faith guided them into the future and they knew the future of a truth, and it was Good, and it was God. And in their Good Faith and in their Truth Liberty they were free to do as they chose, and they chose Love.

Communication was no longer needed, words were no longer needed, even the word Love was already chosen from the beginning and was now already accomplished and they spoke not one to another, as there was no need, even so they yet had all power ever learnt, past, present, and future. They had the final witness and the glory for God was finally accepted in God in a Word, Amen.

So be the new beginning, the new life of God. For within the Amen was the Lamb of Love, so much love so as to not be contained, yet it was in a moment One. As light that passes through a magnifying lense, as a child that increases a family in birth, as a soul that repents and is Baptized, as the blood that funnels through a heart, and as a brain that discovers a growth gene of a brain; all these and more hardly express the profound Wisdom to shed knowledge and pass through to only Love.

Surpassing all understanding, Love only continues, and yet is overcome in the Will of God. As it happened, Love was created of God and all creation was complete and had been overcome and was no more. The Will of God withstood the test of time, and even time became as a mystery, that is it faded, and almost as though it became as a mystery to God as God no longer needed time, as time too focused, and love and time met and too became One.

There was no time left to do anything, not even to love, as God is not selfish, rather loving, and therefore God is not anxious to love Oneself, therefore is the immediate blessing coming forth, lest God perish and that cannot be, lest there was never anything.

And since there was no time to love, there was no time to bless, and since God and Love are One, God and time were necessary, and God created new Time, even Love Time, even Love Times Blessing, that the Witness could be brought into existence, even life and living eternally.

So the Witness was One with God for half a time, and the God became God for times, so to speak, as it was even One Time for One Love according to the Will of God the Father in Heaven. So the Witness to be witnessing accepted the Amen balance from the Right Hand of God, and anew, put God in the balance, not that God perform as a subject to the witness, rather that even the conquering be judged in the hope of mercy, yet in the severe vengeance as never set loose on the former world, even to power to subdue to less than ashes in a flash.

So the final Amen was given to glorify God, and the new Amen was given to be said by the Witness that there be new glory for God, better than the first, impossible, yet so, according to new possibilities, that is according to new blessings in ways not able to be described according to the former world. Even so, each person needs to seek to describe them properly, that when it comes to pass, there be no surprise, that there be no random thinking, that there be no joke, only joy. It is important, faithfully reason the future and instructed in the Living Word, it is vital.

Work to save the Soul of God. The Soul of God needs no saving, yet work to save the Soul of God for God, and receive the blessing that in doing so accomplishing the working to save the Soul of God, there be nothing left in you to accidentally harm the Soul of God, that the wrongful using of the cross be not found in you. Even so, this too was accomplished in Christ Jesus, and there is no other, therefore do so as Christ did, even so seek to be chosen, even so seek to love, even so seek to use time properly, even so do the Will of God.

Be ye God, and therefore make Oneself also the Witness Oneself as is not possible save to be the tried and the judge simultaneously, therefore be innocent and harmless as the Lamb, and be ye meek and strong in the Word, merciful and kind, yet blessing with a vengeance upon yourself if any guilt be self found within, unto the edification of the Church and unto the saving of the lost souls. Swiftly admonish and correct and heal and then bless as needed, rather renounce self-sin and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord!

There was a time when there was peace throughout the land. Then God brought forth a sword to the void and created life. The new life was vegetation, and it was not God and it was created of God and it was of God and creation and it was living witness to the works of God to the extent it was able, and it was in agreement with God in the idea to be living and yet as the newly created life was able to maintain that agreement with God without void nor distrust nor chance nor option to consider, to that extent of dwelling in that magnified focus, the unity with God held true love to bless with more life more abundantly as was never before come to pass.

Hardly God yet One with God, yet on it's own according to design, that vegetation thought to create life in it's own image. And in doing so, it did foresake the image of God, that God might bless it more abundantly, lovingly.

And so vegetation grew, hardly able to remember, much less comprehend, the former Oneness with God, and the Spirit of God magnified. Not according to the works of the flesh of vegetation ignoring God and replicating itself, rather the Spirit of God magnified as God loved that His creation was living, rather that the Spirit of God loves and blesses faithful love and living.

It is One Good Plan, yet even so, there is God and there is vegetation. So if vegetation was to only continue freely, how much longer would be the delay for vegetation to learn to praise God and give God the glory. So more worthy than vegetation of creation evolved, and the first in not the image of vegetation, yet rather the first in the image of God, that is the image of higher reasoning, even Godly reasoning, could not be in acceptance of former less evolved ways, therefore there was no former that would suffice as a fitting partner for the new creation: man.

So while there were sexes of some vegetation, and among many creatures, there was no befitting lonely man. God could hardly let the first Godly reasoning capable man turn back to nothingness before creation, and that is the wrong direction God is thinking, so not to encourage sin, God took a rib from the new creature, man, and created from new to new, as God created woman. Man did not have to sinfully befriend the beast, as God had made a fitting partner.

God created new, and God created new from new, that there be no division in the new, that they be One, even to consider and to be One with God and populate the Earth and learn to have dominion, even as God has dominion. So God is not to blame in the fall of man, as God had provided man with all the blessings man could hope. God even provided mankind with the ability to have the spirit to interact with the Spirit of God.

Many thanks have been given to the Holy Father, yet all fall short save One. Build new on new, build better as never before come to pass. Give thanks always, and expect none in return, save to witness such activities for reporting such glorifying to God for God. Go and be good, rather come and be new.


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The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.