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From ICCDBB Sermon Page 8.

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How To Cause Learning.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff October 9, 2005

The first matter to consider is what Jesus Christ wants: love the Lord your God with all your: heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12.30).

Let's find a perfect pattern. Love is to be directed to God for God. Where does this "love" [come-from and] originate?, from God, yes, yet such is of faith; yet of logic are indicators.

For example, a person seeking the source of a river can walk to the tiny stream at the start of the watershed. More than a single stream typically form a river. In this case, love comes from four sources. We know the stream comes from melting, from rain, tidal surge, and so on. Likewise these four sources, heart, soul, mind, and strength, yield the love streams.

These are types of love sources, to [the world and to] people. These main ideas form key aspects of faithful love, and do so logically also. These ideas have overlap areas, such as melting ice can directly become part of the stream or can drip as rain. Also the gaps in faith and logic are available, such as due to sun and wind and earthquakes and so on.

Yet the Bible gives the keys to these aspects of how to learn. If a key fails, that is no reason to fail in thanks-giving. The point is, these four keys are very important in learning victory. Love, the master key, too is important, as are other keys and extra locks.

A temporary safety lock might be added. Such does not remove the four ideas for One Love, One Learning.

So We find in faith is no turning, faith is straight and narrow according to the Word. Hence, so to speak, to turn faith into something everyone can plainly understand, can be done, so to speak. That is, although such a statement is a misnomer, the idea of faith becoming plain and simple logic, easy to understand, is true, that is, it can be done. Yet not as the self-puffed-up world would believe.

The world would have God serve the careless self of a person about their body and selfish glory. Rather, what Jesus Christ wants is for the Father. The Father of Love is the source of pure learning and pure science, according to the talents and gifts of heart, soul, mind, and strength. Such is the cause of learning.

So faith is straight, that means to find the simple, clear, and easy to understand light burden pure and undefiled, is to unfold logic. Faith is straight, so We must straighten logic to learn.

Logic let's Us be One with God: all learning, all wise. Faith is greater. Faith conquers. Faith creates in the midst of the void. Logic evolves, logic unfolds as We make it so; logic unravels the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Faith creates, lovingly, learningly, growingly, livingly evermore. Logic learns what faith has created, and at end time, on the Sabbath, God rests.

When logic has nothing more to unravel, the world is over and logic is undone and becomes illogical. Yet the faithful continue, resting or creating accordingly. Faith brings new and greater into the world that thereof the world might live and learn and become Holy, the One Heir, the Father.

Faith comes of hearing, hearing of the Word.

The Word is Love, Love is the Father. The cause of learning is as faith builds something, such as a new block, and then a person works to discover that block and discover how to put that block into the pattern. Discover the block name according to faith, and then put the block simultaneously (lest longsuffering gain) into the known Love Pattern. Such is optimum learning.

Teach glory to the Father to the Father. In other words, as if, yet to gain enlightenment, let your student, whether yourself or another; let your student be God. Respect your student as thought you were teaching God. Therefore serve the Bible for dinner; serve the Holy Word for the banquet of learning, the banquet of the Feast of the Lord.


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The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.