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From ICCDBB Sermons Page 8.

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The Parable Of New Technology

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff October 2, 2005

Once upon a time and long ago, there was a factory that formed materials into shapes customers wanted.

The factory continues to this day, yet it has grown much. This is the story of it's growth, and how that while it may or may not call itself Christian, it does much to support the Christian cause for God.

As typical at most factories, there is usually much to do, often at a busy, hustling, hectic pace. Yet during coffee breaks and other slower moments, there was much discussion among groups of two or more. Topics discussed, ranged from innovations to improve processing, to lack of time-off, and also ranged from lunch and drinking at the bar at night, to sports, sex, family life, and religious concerns.

Work related discussions were far more in vogue, yet generally anyone would enter into about any worthwhile discussion; although family life was discussed by those with children. At this factory, and many others in the 1980s, women were rarely seen, except in the office, such as to serve as receptionist, secretary, or purchasing manager. When a man from the shop floor got to talk with a woman, it was a great comfort, nearly to the point of embarassment, as the meeting was chivalrous, sometimes with very slight sexual innuendos. Yet the women were typically about business, although at breaks they discussed their family to men, and when talking to other women in front of men they discussed each other women's families.

This is a definite pattern, this is a general parameter of how civilization existed, at least in part of the world. Since then, the number of women working on the shop floor is increasing. Yet such advancing of civilization likely had nothing to do with this factory leaping ahead in growth, and pulling that part of civilization they influenced, into the future.

Religious discussions at the factory ranged widely. A man by the name of Petros, for instance, would talk about how Jesus Christ worked to change many things, giving the Jews much to consider, as their laws came into question, and that humans were more important than laws, was something Jesus Christ said people should consider. Jesus Christ indicated that the purpose of law, and all else, was to benefit humans, so that they choose to do righteously, and be a blessing for God.

Most at the factory were openly Christian, yet some were other, such as a man named Willy who for a time claimed to be omni-religious, that is, to say each religion had something good since God created each and all. Yet as was explained to Willy, such sounds beautiful, but is in conflict to Christian Faith, since the Christian Belief System is that there is only one Christ, and that is Jesus of the New Testament. Other religions wrongly say Heaven can be gained through other means, and some other religions even wrongly argue that Jesus of the New Testament was not the Christ, the immaculate one specially chosen of God.

Yet such advancing of thinking within civilization likewise likely had nothing to do with this factory leaping ahead in growth, and pulling that part of civilization they influenced, into the future.

So if we are to remove non-essential patterns from this factory's leap ahead, we may be better able to understand what made this factory grow and prosper and be in demand. First, of faith beyond worldly patterning within the realm or discussion of this story, the factory was and is in the United States, and therefore subject to the laws of the land, including with respect to the Lord, Jesus Christ. In other words, this factory holds to the faith of the land that Jesus Christ is Lord, that is, this factory agrees with the government of this land.

So we can ask if there is a pattern clear to worldly thought, on which each and all can reasonably agree, that caused this factory to grow. Of faith, miracles are said to happen beyond understanding, although the faithful do understand. Yet this sermon is not just for the faithful, it is to aid all people in gaining trust and faith in God Jesus Christ, faithfully, yet also reasonably and fairly.

So since a person of little faith might not understand faith as a person of great faith might, let us check to see for their sake, if there is an expedient help that they would find useful. In this case, there is a clear pattern of logic as to why the factory leapt ahead at a particular point in time. It was a moment when the factory management was astounded at the progress.

The factory wanted faster production so after many months of deliberation the factory management decided to risk switching the inspection company they had used for many years, to a higher tech company.

The factory didn't want to switch personnel because the former inspection company knew everyone in the factory, where everything was, and so on. The factory didn't switch because the higher tech company talked about Jesus Christ all the time. The higher tech company talked about Jesus Christ as much as the former inspection company.

Yet there was a faith, a higher faith unspoken. The factory wanted that, and the higher tech company was brought-in to work for the factory instead of the former company. The faith the factory had involved concerns such as, faster processing speed, and better quality.

The higher tech company claimed they had these, and then worked and proved it to the factory. The factory was thrilled and only wished they had done it sooner. The higher tech device the new inspection company used was a linear accelerator which replaced the former X-ray technology used in metal inspection.

The world has a habit of often dismissing the more important part, and missing the point. If something new works better, the world often doesn't bother with fine details, as they are often cumbersome. For instance, a person might buy a new television and handle it roughly as they unbox it, anxious to plug it in and be thrilled. They forget to thank Jesus Christ, and as they move selfishly they might ruin what they longsuffered to have. Also a new television is typically less user friendly than a former television such as of the 1980s; as much wiring and programming is often needed to get the thing to work as the manufacturer intended.

Getting back to the factory, the point of this Sermon has not yet been introduced. The factory planned, built special safety features, and bought the linear accelerator. Thanks and praise for Jesus Christ was not heard much if at all in the factory, although Christians there may have been thankful in their heart, unitedly.

With that said, now we approach the point of this Sermon. A person is not brought out of a secured institution for the criminally insane, just so they can operate the linear accelerator. Such a person might choose to kill people just for the adrenaline rush or other improper reason.

The new spirit must be put into the new spirit container, the new expertise must accompany the new technology.

The new expertise did not come from using the equipment. The physical technician went through the same steps as the former, and pushed the button to make the equipment work. To watch the higher tech worker was much the same as to watch the former worker.

So the difference, the ascension, the growth of the factory capabilities started not with the results, rather it started long before, with strangers who choose to do good work (such as Christian) to study and learn about helping others, being reliable and pure, and about being the best. Years before the results, the experts had invested much effort in terms of their personal time. The experts chose to study matters difficult to understand, so they could make better sense of those matters than any had previously shown, so they could unravel them to help others see more clearly and be blessed more and more than ever before.

The experts not only read documents, the experts wrote documents, often. Routinely the experts made reports and current technique books, and others revered their expertise as law. The experts became impeccable in their own field.

This is how the factory grew. And there's more. There is far more to this Sermon than the experts. The factory grew according to the management, the workers, and God. The factory grew also according to their customers, the laws of the land, and demand. Many factors contributed, and many united in the cause.

The main point of this Sermon is the factory advanced according to good faith, studying technical information, creating technical information, and applying that appropriately, being ready and caring when invited to so perform.

This involves faith and worldly logic combined, the technical word and the technical will, which became the new experts' and the factory's new word and will. The factory became enlightened within field parameters, as did the experts.

Yet that field of study is not all there is to life. Technical expertise is much, yet it is not all.

Let Us rather study all, and become expert in all; not as the criminally insane, yet rather for their sake and the sake of all (including Ours via default), and yet rather for the greater faith, even God as of the Old Testament and proven in the Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ. Let Us do so and also rather according to the Will of God, do more than ever before known, better, and surely quickly. Let Us be One, let Us advance, not toward selfishness as the criminally insane has typically done, rather let Us be One with God for God.

Let Us do the right thing, in an honest heart, patiently, longsuffering the greater love to be revealed. Let Us prepare and not offend if it come not according to Our choosing. Let Us welcome, invite, and enjoin, let Us begin to start something greater and more blessed, let Us properly grow, and let Us be an example to others; and let Us praise God.


For the official Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ site at, click here.


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The above Sermon is from Page 8 of Sermons. Page 8 Sermons are the first sermons ever written after the publication of GodMath Testament and in faithful agreement with GodMath Testament. To visit Page 8 of Sermons of ICCDBB click here.