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MUSIC : First Love 


After school, I hastily ran to the basketball court and I met Ashley.

I took her to the Japanese restaurant and we had our lunch there. We chat ..

Ryan   : Do you know who is BoA ?

Ashley : Oh yeah.. the young singer. She just went to Japan last two weeks to promote her new album. 

Ryan   : She's my favorite artiste. I thought I can befriend with her.

Ashley : She's quite busy since she became a singer when she was 15 years old.

Ryan   : I see. She's so pretty, I'm sure she has a boyfriend don't she ?

Ashley : No, not really.

Ryan   : Err.. Do you have boyfriend ?

Ashley : Yes ..

Ryan   :

Ashley : Hehe .. Just kidding ..

Ryan   : But you are so pretty, sure a lot of guys going after you.

Ashley : Ah ... I don't know how to answer you .. So how about you ?

Ryan   : Me neither. Although I knew a lot of friends in Malaysia but most of them are not my type.

Ashley : Why ?

Ryan   : Because they love to go clubbing which is not a suitable place for girl and they also get

              themselves drunk while some even took ecstasy pills. Tell you the truth, I was one of them before

              but now I already abstained from it.

Ashley : I'm happy to hear that. At least you are on the right path now. Well, I have to go back now.

Ryan   : Let me accompany you home.

Ashley : Ok, thank you.


 After lunch, we went back home together. On the way home, I told her all about my past and why came

 to Korea. She seems interested with my background and listen to me eagerly. She also told me that

 she's from a poor family and his father is a postman while her mother is a waitress. We separated

 after she reached her home.



Tonight, I received a missed call. Although I don't know whose number was that but I'm very sure that

it was her. To ascertain, the next day I asked her friend,"Do you know whose number is this xxxxxx?".

She answered me," Yeah ! I know, it's Ashley mobile number". Starting from that, I know she really

likes me.


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