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MUSIC : I Want To Be With You                                                                               


Like normal I went to school. Throughout the class, I tried to concentrate on what the teacher was teaching. I

tried not to stare at her because I knew my purpose of coming here. I want to be a intelligent boy and I don't

want to disappoint my parents. The school bell rang, on the way I left the class I passed by her and our eyes was




After school, I went out for my lunch in a coffee shop somewhere near my house.

I saw her (the pretty girl) in the coffee shop. Then, I approached her and we chat ...


 ME: Err....HI ! Hello.

SHE: Hey !!

 ME: Are you from Korea Kent Foreign School ?

SHE: Yes. Ah ! I saw you before. If I not mistaken you are the new student right ?

 ME: Yeah .. my name is Ryan, nice to meet you.

SHE: Hehe .. I'm Ashley, nice too meet you too .. Where do you live ?

 ME: Guui-Dong, somewhere near the school. You know the night market ...  

SHE: Yes ~~

 ME: My house is just opposite the market. 

SHE: Aha-- so I'm your neighborhood.  

 ME: You mean, you also stay there ?

SHE: Yup !!

 ME: Wow ! What a coincidence. Are you Korean ?

SHE: Yes. You don't look like local people so where are you from ?

 ME: I'm from Malaysia, have you been there before ?

SHE: Oh .. I never go there before but I heard that the Redang Island is very beautiful.

 ME: Yeah .. the beach is very clean and the ocean is clear enough and you can see the fish without


SHE: Oh I see .. If I've the chance I'll go there.

 ME: Are you free tomorrow afternoon ?

SHE: Yes ..Why ?

 ME: I just want to invite you for a lunch .. (my heart start beating fast)

SHE: Sure, tomorrow I'm free and I'm bored of staying at home all the time.

 ME: So tomorrow remember to wait for me at the school's basketball court after our class.

SHE: Ok, no problem but please give me your contact number so that I can contact you easily.

 ME: (Oh my god! She ask for my number) My house number is 02 2201,7085 and my cell phone

          number is 82 17  368 8610.

SHE: Ok.

 ME: I got to go now. See you tomorrow. Bye.

SHE: Bye bye.

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