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MUSIC : Love, Day After Tomorrow                                                                                                              


My First Day In School

I woke up early in this morning and I had my breakfast before I went to school. I can't wait any longer to meet

BoA in the school. After that, I walked to the school which is not really far from my house.

~ ~ ~

I took my first step and I entered the class. There were few students doing their works eagerly. I do not bother

about them. I kept on looking around searching for my idol but I can't see her. Maybe it's still early. Then I

chose my sit on the third row (nearer to the board). A few minutes later, I saw the class door opened and I wish

my idol is the one who's coming in. A girl came in but not BoA so disappointing. Wait! Another girl coming in, I

stared at the girl I realized that she's not BoA but wow! she's so beautiful, abruptly she looked towards me (my

heart started beating fast). I felt embarrassed, so I stopped staring at her and pretending to look somewhere else.

Finally, the teacher came in but my mind was still on the girl and I had forgotten about BoA. When the school

ended I still can't wipe her off from my mind and it continued until I slept.



Today was the second day, I decided to befriend with the pretty girl. I quickly packed my things and went to

school. In the class, I kept on waiting for her, minutes after minutes had past. Unfortunately, I just can't see her

around maybe she's absent today. Sigh... During the break, I ordered a special drink (forgot the name) but it is 

blue in color. The taste is more like a cola but it is very expensive.



As I woke up today, the first thing on my mind is I wish she will be present for today class. Actually, I'm a bit late

to school because I stayed awake at yesterday night just to finish up my bunch of homework.

~ ~ ~

I pushed the door and I stepped in the class. After a few steps, I took a glanced on my right and I saw her and she

was looking at me with a smile on her face. I'm astound, my blood pressure rush up to my head and I quickly

walked away from her. I fell myself so rude because I didn't smile back to her or greet her but I'm to shy. During

the lesson, I'd been watching her all the time. Attending the class proved to be a waste of time because I can't

concentrate on what the teacher was teaching. I only thinking about her second and minute.


25/8/2002 (Sunday - Holiday)

Although to today was a holiday but I prefer to go to school because I'm bored stiffing at home. So I went to the

market place and I bought fishes, chickens and vegetables which can last for 1 week. Today, I decided to

cook Chinese cuisine. Actually I'm not good in cooking but I've no choice because I do not have enough money to

eat at the restaurant all the time. My father cuts down my expenses to ensure that I do not have cash to play


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