Sunday, Sept.23, 2001 - 8:07pm - WISHLIST - CLUB - CHAT

I dont know why the hell people just steal cam images and stick them in portals without my premission. I mean I'm flattered and all, but you guys should ask me first. There were a few other portals I was in but I cant find the links right now. Anyhoot. My cam doesnt work with Windoes xp so I have to uninstall windows and reinstall windows 98. ugh! my brother wont like it but I dont give a shit! :\ Well I gotta finish history homework and get in the shower. Nighty night! I'll be in the club chat tomorrow. I'll tell you the time when I get home from school.

Sunday, Sept.23, 2001 - 9:59am - WISHLIST - CLUB - CHAT

OMG! last night was a total blast! My friend Gracie had her 16th b-day party and it was just awesome! Okay first everyone was just kicken it in the backyard just talking and eating, then some of them got waterbaloons that were floating in the pool and threw them at everyone, including me! :\ Savanna got hit by Nicole so Savanna throws Nicole in the pool with EVERYTHING on even shoes! so that started the war to see who can get people in the pool. Gracie Grabs me and throughs me in the pool. I was wearing my jean skirt so it came up! lol it was soo funny though. So then we tried to get Ashely in the pool but she was fighting like hell to stay out.. So I was walking infront of her as she was being pushed towards the pool and she grabs me! so I went in with her. Then Alex picked me up and through me in almost hitting my head on the side of the pool cuz he droped me so close. :\ Anyways, then they brouth out the whipped cream. I got whipped good! It was a blast though. Julie downed almost the whole two litter of moutain dew and threw up on the paivement. Then that set up a competition against my brother and Alex, so they went to see who can down theirs faster. Alex gave up after drinking about half. Then Shawna went for the rest, but after a few sips she was done, so I grabbed it and downed the rest. That was some nasty coke though. icky! :) Anyways, so yeah, after getting pushed in the pull a totall of 6 times and getting whipped cream in my hair and downing too much soda, I had a great night! I finally got out of the house!

But yeah that was a great night. But now I think I'm gonna go back to bed cuz I'm soo damn tired! So austa le bye bye.

Friday, Sept.21, 2001 - 7:59pm - WISHLIST - CLUB - CHAT

Hey, well today was pretty good. But yesterday was really weird for me, although it was a good day. my medical teacher was calling us up one by one to check our TB test results on our arms. So when I got up there she looked at my arm, felt where the niddle had been and then told me she needs to speak to me in the back room. So we went back there and she says "This this thing that a lot of people have been doing called cutting..." I was nodding my head and saying that I knew about it. Then she asks "Is that what you've been doing?" I told her "yes" so I wasnt exactly lieing but I also wasnt telling the truth about the cuts on my arms (those ones were a simple accident) Anyways, she asked me why I do it and I told her that I sometimes get angry or sad and I cant controll myself. So now shes making me go back to counseling. oh well though Im glad she knows, it puts us more on a friend to friend level, other then a teacher to student level. But anyways thats why it was weird.

Today was good I didnt have any work to do. It was minimun day cuz of the Rally after school. I didnt go to it. When I got home I had to clean my room and I got rid of my tv stand and just stuck my TV ontop of my dresser. More room for me on the floor now. I burned a shit load of incents too..smells good up in here! :) Cam isnt working yet. I e-mailed INTEL to see if its just my version of windows (WINDOWS xp) or something else. Its probably the windows. So I might have to uninstall it or if I cant do that then upload all my shit to a server then dumb my system and start from scratch and download all my shit from my server.

I'm trying to get my school involved with the NYC tragities cuz I wanna help out seeing as how I cant donate blood or send $$$. So I figured I can organize a fund raiser or something. Anyhoot. Im gonna be working on a new layout this weekend. And my mom is gonna come in tomorrow and try to see if she could get my cam working. Oh yeah guess what?! I cut my hair! :) its a little past my shoulders now, I didnt take off much I just needed the bottom gone cuz of the split ends and uneven strands. But its all gravey now! Okay well I'm gonna watch tv or something. laters! Join the club, I need more members! :)

Wednesday, Sept.19, 2001 - 3:59pm - WISHLIST - CLUB - CHAT

Well yet another great day! Just super I tell you! I dont have ANY homework! yahoo! Okay last night my brother installed WINDOWS XP on my comp and its just super great!!! heres what it LOOK LIKE! I think its super cute! Anyways, my monitor is being good! lol it stopped the flashing thing and stuff so thats good!

I think I'm gonna go on cam for a little bit later...or maybe lay down cuz I have a headache! snuggle with my kittie cat! meow! :) she's so purdy! okay ya I'm outtie I'll blog later!

Tuesday, Sept.18, 2001 - 3:10pm - WISHLIST - CLUB - CHAT

holy shit! my monitor is tweaking! I think its gonna go out on me! Its like 8 years old so it probably will :\ ugh! it keeps flashing on and off kinda and its really really weird! damnit! and we dont have anymore spare monitors I dont think, oh wait nevermind I think theres one out in the garage I'll go check. But anyways if you dont see me online in the next few days its cuz my monitor went out. I'll try hard to get another one, I have one on amazon in mind for only 400 and its a flat pannel one so I'll ask my mom about it, doubt she'll go for it. But anyways I'll go search. I apologize if I'm not online if it goes out!

Tuesday, Sept.18, 2001 - 2:40pm - WISHLIST - CLUB - CHAT

MWAHAHA! today is just another GREAT day! I'm lovin' it! No homework for me tonight except a tiny bit of math! yehaw! :)

Okay that little bad habbit I said yesterday, well guess what?! i stopped it again! I am just too happy to do anything so damn depressing! Okay today at school was just great, sorta. 1st period I watched a movie, 2nd period I did nothing, 3-4th period I had my TB shot, which is a funny story so lemme tell ya about it : I have a few (5) scratches on my left arm that I accidently made when testing my x-acto knife when cutting out a peice of paper (no I did not cut myself purposely) anyways, and that was the arm they were gonna give the TB test on, so when my name was called to go get my shot I told her that I'd have to do it on my right arm cuz of all the scratches. The nurse next to my teacher looked at my arm and I know she thought I was a "cutter" so I told them that my brother wacked me with a rose bush branch on accident! way to go shaun, you idiot! nice excuse huh?! lol Okay then the Nurse looks at my teacher while my teacher is giving me my shot and says "You know what you have to do right?" and then she looks at me and goes "We are just worried about you kids" lol what the hell are they gonna do? go to my house and ask my brother if he did it. lol But I think she thinks I did it on purpose which I DIDNT! ugh! Anyways, so ya. I was stressin through the whole period about what they are gonna do. But anyways, i'm not worried about it anymore. I just thought the whole thing was hella funny, maybe you think differently.

ANYWAYS! lunch kinda sucked, I ate :\. I'm not suppose to be eating lunch or breakfast, just these dumb thingies. Anyways. Some one yelled out "NetWhore" from behind me and I thought it was pretty dumb. these losers can just drop it already, its kinda pissing me off. I gotta find a way to get rid of the address in the girls bathroom too. ugh!

Anyways. Its a fun day! fun fun fun! say it with me F U N! :) Okay I need to take my stupidity else where. I'm working on trying to get the yahoo chat into a frame on a camchat section so you guys dont have to switch back and forth from cam pic to chat. So I'll do that now, and I'll also work on the link section cuz someone asked me about that, honestly I totally forgot it was there :\ sorry! hehe okay I'm outtie! buh bye!

Monday, Sept.17, 2001 - 7:21pm - WISHLIST - CLUB - CHAT

omg, today was just nutz! I know I failed my history test! :\ ick! Um lets just skip to lunch. It was just NUTZ! Okay i dont know how we got into a conferstation of my site but Savanna just starts yelling out "Shauns a cam slut, she sleeps with her cam on anddoes stuff on it" man hella people around us turned to us and actually started saying things, someone even yelled out "There a internet webcam slut over there" or something like that. lol it was nutz. Then Savanna gave mys ite address to some guy in the table across from us on a pink paper, so Hello to whoever you are. lol Then someone wrote my site addy in the girls bathroom! It was just too fun! I mean the whole period was about me and my site. Pure crazyness. It was fun though.

omg I am getting so goddamn sick of my mother being home! I'm about to kill her or kill myself just to get away from her stupid ass! I'm writing this while I'm offline cuz her stupid ass unplugged my line to the phone so I cant go online to do my homework. Anyways, now shes telling me to call CPS on her and shit and yelling at me for no goddamn reason. I hate her.

I started up one of my bad habbits again. Some of you know if you've read through the site, what it is. I got slapped several times at school from my friends cuz they saw. So I gotta try to stop again, which isnt hard at all. But anyways I still have math to do and a I wanna study my medical notes for the test on Friday. So austa le bye bye! luv ya all!!!!

...17 years old, and was born on 7th November 1983 making her a Scorpio. She likes music (Punk, Ska, Rock, Nu-Metal & Euphoria.
She likes reading, writing, going out, clubbing, glitter, short tops, tight tops with rude slogans on, candy colours, lemon sherbets, tigers, horse riding.
She is allergic to teenyboppers.

E-Mail: e-mail me!
AIM: BlowPop776
Book: the book (new) & old
Yahoo: Lesbinlove

Have a Question? Fill this out:

Date: 7.24.01
Time: 8:10pm
Hearing: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Watching: nothing
Eating: nothing
Visiting: Mindy
Talking to: Gracie
Feeling:The current mood of at


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Made with:
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Many thanks to:
Steph - For hosting my sorry ass.
Surfstation - PS brushes - PS brushes
ToolBox - PS brushes

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