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PLACEBO > Brian Molko

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|name| brian molko

|date of birth| 10th December 1972

|nationality| US/UK

|instrument played| Guitars, Vocals, Bass

|musical influences| Sonic Youth, PJ Harvey, Nick Drake

|extra info| Born 10th of December 1972 to Scottish and American parents, the early years of Brian's life were spent with him being dragged anywhere from Liberia to Lebanon to Luxembourg by his father,an international banker, in his quest for more money. Sent to a private American school in Luxembourg, Brian was even then the outsider, the boy who prefered drama to sport. Stefan was also at the same school but the two never actually spoke to one another as Stefan was a jock , in with the popular crowd, and Brian ( as he himself put it ) was a loser. At the age of 17, Brian upped sticks and moved to England to study drama at Goldsmiths in London. His father would have prefered for him to follow a career in banking but fortunately Brian decided that rock n roll and nail varnish was a more preferable career option.
Much speculation has been made as to Brian's sexuality and image, with some journalists being more interested in who or what he sleeps with than the music; but it is without a doubt that Brian Molko is ( like Bowie before him ) one of the most interesting characters to emerge on the music scene for a long time.

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