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Well...I didn't expect you to read this...Shit...I'm gonna have to think of somink to say now aint I?! I wasn't expecting you.... Oh well...Life is full of suprises.

Lots of people ask me what KARJIMA is,well,you won't find it in a dictionary that's for sure!

I thought of Karjima a long,long time a go,when I was crap at website design and was just messin' around wiv Microsoft Publisher. I thought: why not make a site with no real purpose,meaning or particular subject? There are no guidelines to this site-I can do what I want with it.

The name...Kinda fecked up yeah? Well...Karjima just kinda sprang up it's a kinda mix of KARMA (Indian term for relaxation innit?!),KARMA (as in Karma Sutra lmao) and my real name (Carly-which many people think is spelt wiv a 'K' but it aint,OK). The whole package makes an odd name I guess-which is infitting wiv me as I am weird too....Very weird in fact lol.

When entering the site it would be WICKED if you'd abide by these rules (hey,break 'em and I'll come after ya wiv a floozie OK?!)...

1) NO stealing: If you want a graphic or anything,email me asking me and I will give ya it-simple as!

2) If you do use any graphics-don't bother altering them in anyway

3) You MUST sign my guestbook if it's ya first time to my site...Then I can return the favour!

4) You can eat and drink if you let me have some...(OK,look I told you I am weird!)

5) OK...This is getting boring-just get da fuck in my site!!!! LOL