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As a webmistress I understand how hard it is to create a website. Sometimes you really don't know what is the best thing to put on your site and HOW to position certain stuff on it. It takes loads of time and effort-but is a complete waste of time and effort if nobody visits...So I thank you for coming to MINE! In appreciation of other's sites I have created a few awards in which to show my gratitued. The samples of the awards are shown below-click on them to reveal full size.Once you have decided which award your site best suits,go and fill in the form at the bottom. Good Luck!

These are just SAMPLES of the awards I have to offer:

{ Dark Site Award } Your site must be of a dark gothic,fantasy,death nature to apply.

Click for actual size!

{ Dark And Sexy Site Award } Your site must confirm to the above,and also have an erotic nature,be this of art (NO pornography though),written or a general theme.Site must be well presented.

{ Before Darkness Broke Award } This site is for beginners at web design and creation.I am not looking for a great deal of content,but a theme throughout of knowledge of your site's subject matter and no broken links is a must!

{ Bite Me Award } Hehe,I reckon this award is funny.Basically,if your site has an unusual nature and has a very odd theme,this award is for you.Oh and ANY vampire themed site will automatical win this award so claim yours now!

{ Creator Of Passion Award } Your site must express your passion for your site's subject matter throughout to win this award.You must be strongly passionate about what your site is about.

{ Caught My Eye Award } This award is for any site that I happened upon while browsing the net and/or any site that grabbed and maintained my attention throughout and left me wanting more.

sorry-u cannot apply for this! sign my guestbook and i may award ya!

{ Unleashed Your Darker Side Award } For any site of a dark nature.Be it in vampire,gothic,erotic,fantasy,music,food (!) anything,as long as it is DARK...And it must be DARK!

{Orgasmic Site Award} You must have a site that I find orgasmic...Not necessarily porn (har har) but a great overall site.

{ Karjimal Award Of Excellence } A very hard to come by award.I haven't yet given any of these awards out as it is new,but I will be doing so soon. Your site must be totalyl excellent throughout.Have lots of informative & interesting content,good use of colours,graphics and layout.The site must have no broken links and pop-ups are limited to 10 max.If you get this-you will know your site is the creme de la creme of website design! :o)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBMIT YOUR SITE!



your website url

tell me what your site's about

what award are you after

tell me why i should award you



[[ Sorrows ]]


[[ Visuals ]]


[[ Empathy ]]


[[ Euphoria ]]


[[ Beloved ]]


[[ Miander ]]