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05/04/01 Well,well,well.The time is now only 9.30am and already I am being naughty and will probably get found out. I was gonna bunk English as my mate Laz aint gonna be there,and the rest of the class are stiffs so I thought there was no point in enduring 3 hours of Mr Spit for absolutely no reason except to be annoyed. Anyway,I was about to go up town wiv two other mates when who comes through the door but Mr Spit and asks where I am going as he ws 15 minutes late anyway. I think 'oops' and mumble some kind of excuse. Anyway,he frog marches me up to class. I sit there for a bit and he asks for my coursework.I say it's on the computer at college and he lets me go print it off.This was at 9am,it is now 9.32am and I aint going back. Laz even rang me in the ICT (computers) block (which is forbidden) and I said 'oh yeah,I will meet you down town' as she is getting the later bus. Who gives a gay monkey's backside? Not me,I even saw a lad who is suppossed to be in English now,in this very room a few mins ago.So *tut tut* to you. Anyway-will let you know how it turned out-have the perfect excuse on hand,but this is copyright to me,and if you wanna use it,you're gonna have to e-mail me lol. Anywayz,joined a webring.The site it comes from seems pretty fucked up,my kinda shit really.Check it out.

19/02/01 Just got back from a night out wiv my mate Morgan.Should be quite an eventful week-lots to do and the usual shortage of money *sigh*, oh well.Still not got a boyfriend but now I don't want one so all you lovely babes who sent me Val. cards-I iz sorry,the answer is noooo.Actually that is boolax,as I saw two lads in MaccyD's the other night I would *NOT* have said no to! Anyway...Thatz all for tonight folks...

12/02/01 Hmm...Where to start?! I have been working really hard on my other website *The Realm Of Unknown Fantasy* which is basically a fantasy site with things like unicorns,pegasi and that sorta thing.Just a laugh really-nothing serious.Not like this site.So you will notice little changes entering the site-the site will become much more creepier as my personality really takes over.The thing that this website needs is time and I aint got much of that at the moment-but any spare moment will go to working on this website and making it even better :o)

18/01/01 Well,lately I have been trying to get this website up and running which is quite hard as this is my first website which I have done *totally* using HTML and DHTML...I am finally getting the hang of it,but as I have a really short temper span...I couldn't do it for a career! I have just applied for a job as I need to get off my *lazy* arse and start earning so I can buy more clothes! I am really into clothes and make up and all that girly stuff (and lads don't complain about girls liking this stuff-you like the finished result! ;oÞ). I am trying to do more stuff wiv my evenings and going out on a Friday night in my *search* for a b/f,me and Laz R going clubbing next Friday...Wish me luck hehe-she has already got a b/f but he is a wanker (sorry Laz!) Ergh have a AS Level exam-Film Studies-to do on Tuesday 23rd Jan...Not looking forward to it!

23/01/01 Grrrr...Thing have been happening recently alright.Had my exam...Dunno how I've done yet tho :o( Also one of my beloved hamsters-Pepsi Max-died recently aged 3,which is really old fro a hamster.You can see a pic of him as well as other animals of mine in my soon to be coming pet's gallery...Love ya Pepsi-miss ya forever xxx I have finally begun to get somewhere wiv this website! I have removed those annoying pop-up banners (thanx to Seb -x-),and now you can come directly here by typing instead of having to go thru my old Karjima site or typing long URLS.It is still accessible thru tho :o) And thanx go to Nick for getting me the URL (-x-) and also my old Karjima banner. The reason I changed my banner is coz of the colours and also I don't have to have a black background wiv it-which as all webmasters know-is very annoying if ur main page isn't black! Tho,the purpley/pinky/bluey colour of it is very infitting with the rest of the colour scheme aint it! Just this evening Angelfire has been annoying around wiv the fonts of all Angelfire websites-as well as it's own main page-so the writing (font) throughout this website is about 3 times it's usual size.I am sorry about this,but there aint anything I can do!

More coming soon...Love to all reading this xxx e-mail



[[ Sorrows ]]


[[ Visuals ]]


[[ Empathy ]]


[[ Euphoria ]]


[[ Beloved ]]


[[ Miander ]]