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Alternative Energy

The various alternative forms of energy available usually require a some knowledge and effort to put to use efficiently. This topic is suited for those with a scientific or technical interest. The efficiency of these alternative methods should be considered before use.


Solor disks have the advantage of creating very high temperatures. The parabolic dish has the ability to generate temperatures over a thousand degrees even in non tropical climates. The longer partial cilinder type dish generates somewhat lower temperatures.They are directed toward the sun then they focus the the suns rays unto the object in question. the long dish

reflector below can focus the suns rays unto a long pipe placed along the focal point within the concave part of the disk (the inward curve) If water flows through this pipe you get hot water which can be stored. You can also use special solar electric generating cells there.

if one of the many formulas for a parabola is used you can follow the shape to create a parabolic dish the long version seem easier to produce. The function Y = x2 produces a parabola, it is one of many functions that do. each of them have focal points that are different. Fortunately various materials under the right pressure bend naturally into a parabola.

if a fraction of a circular or more accurately a spherical shape is used instead of a regular parabola the dish shown above will have a variable focal point. This is still workable because the rod in the center also varies (as shown above) to accept the solar rays.

Placed in the sun certain cells like the photovoltaic cells below produce electricity that can be used at home if your house is set up to do so. Placed in the sun certain cells like the photovoltaic cells below produce electricity that can be used at home if your house is set up to do so.

Solar Cells are the that use sun light to produce electricity are becomming more common but cost considerations are what could make them not as competitive as other means. Placed in the sun certain cells like the photovoltaic cells below produce electricity that can be used at home if your house is set up to do so.


Flowing water has long been used to produce electricity in hydroelectric plants commercially, However smaller bodies of water can be used to turn a electric generator which produces electricity. The rotating motion produced by the turbine can be put to use in other ways but most people tend to perfer it be used to generate electricity.

Ocean waves are also useable in producing energy, with some technical know how the waves of the ocean can be made to produce either up and down motion or rotation back and forth which can be used to pump water and create a flow to be used produce energy. The motion caused by the water can also be used to generate electricity more directly. Keep in mind that electric Generators generate electricity by having a coil usually with an Iron core. The core with the coil rotates or moves through a magnetic field, this motion causes electricity to flow through the coil.

A generator that uses up and down motion will create a current very similar to the wave motion that powers it. Since only certain devices can use this kind of erratic current and voltage. The use of the correct type of diodes and rectifiers are needed to change the current to what's desired. What's Desired in many cases is for the current to change to a steady D C (direct current) An then an inverter(which can be purchased or made) can change the current to the alternating current used in many of our every day appliances. as you can see using waves to produce energy can be more technical than using flowing water to simply turn a turbine which turns a generator, once the problem is solved however, and if you have access to the Ocean waves are everywhere.

All the materials can ofcourse be purchased to create whole electric generating appratus, For those who would like to do everything from scratch keep in mind it takes enough knowledge to put things together efficiently.

When you are dealimg with turning motion, an alternator(the device found in your car or purchased) is just a generator that generates electricity. This can ofcorse be used outside your car to produce electricity. Modern wind mills that produce electricity use similar types of generators.

What else can you use to produce electricity from a turning wind mill besides electric generator, believe it or not an electric motor can be used as a generator, but it has to be constructed with both magnets and an electro magnets for it to generate electricity(these are even more numerous than generators)they can be found in any electric motor equipment. Unfortunately electric fans usually do not use regular magnets along with their electro magnets so they dont produce electricity turning in the wind.


wind power is already in wide use in electric wind mills that are very modern compared to those of the past but they work best where there is enough wind to to make it usefull. If the Idea is to save large sums of money, consider learning about the methods available making a wind mill

efficient blades can be made for these wind mills, and special blades can be made for slower wind speads.(researching these are the best way to learn the specifics) blades can even be made from sail like material or other similar types of material. You should consider how much force it takes to turn the generator, and the normal wind speeds in your area. Then consider what aerodynamic characteristics are needed meet the desired results.

Home Made Power

For those who attempt to create home made power as batteries, keep in mind that if you plan to use the resources of that are available every day you may need to use more of it than if you use the more expensive materials. Conducting carbon and zink are the two materals normally used in making ordinary household batteries. Other materials that can be used are Aluminum and Steel or copper and zink, Other metal pairs are useable depending on their chemical properties. The chemical paste used in these types of batteries can be replaced with an acid. These types of batteries are not storage batteries like the lead acid batteries found in cars. They use up the materials involved because the chemical reaction bettween the acid and the metals creates a potential difference bettween the two metals.

Photo diodes(light emitting diodes) produce small amounts of electricity when placed in the sun by a process similar to the reverse process of solar cells. From the older technology of vacum tubes with the outer covering made out of glass placed in the sun can produce electricity.The materials in the vacum tube are not semi conductor materials as is usually the case with the light emitting diodes(Led)the materials can be two metals with different electronic properties.

Electricity does not flow through air easily.In the case of lightning it requires a lot of energy (potential difference) to have a flash of lightning with a current among other things flowing bettween cloud and earth. In a vacum(or vacum tube)current flows easily. Certain metals give off lots of electrons in a vacum exposed to sunlight.

Copper and steel in a salt water solution produce very weak voltages measured in milli voltages. yet large amounts of these cells combined either in series or parallel say in the ocean can add up to useable voltages.

Metals can be classified as to their reduction potential (when the reduction potential is more negative metals have the ability to loose electrons easily) That is to say when these metals react in a solution for example, they tend to loose electrons. In a solution of acetic acid (vinegar) with Copper (cu) and Zink (Zn), the Zink looses ecectrons by combining with the acid, because it has a larger negative reduction potential than copper. Copper in this solution is forced to do the oppersite of what the zink is doing. The copper is therefore aquiring ecectrons from the solution. The type of chemical reaction that occurs vary depending on the type of acid used,but the principle is the same.An electric current can flow bettween the two metals that extends outside the acid solution. It flows from the zink that can react with various acids to aquire electrons, to the copper that is loosing electrons. The solution takes away electrons from the zink and the solution is then able to react with the copper to give it a more negative charge .

Zink is one of the metals with a large negative reduction potential(it looses electrons more easily) or put another way it is more easily oxidised by other substances. It can be found in batteries used in most home appliances. It is the outer part of ordinary batteries. Zink usually remains after the batteries have been used,since there seems to be more than enough of it left.

Zn + Cu+2 changes to Cu + Zn+2

Acids vary in strength as they relate to making more powerful batteries. The weak acids that are readily available are Citric acid (found in lemon juice) and Acetic acid (vinigar). These are much stronger than a salt water solution(which is more neutral than acidic). The strongest acids are very powerful, they are, Sulfuric acid (found in car lead acid batteries), Hydrochloric acid, and Nitric acid . These acids are strongly reactive not just with metals but also with your skin, they can cause painful burns if they make contact with the skin.(please try to avoid this) These strong acids can actually be made but they are more often purchased.


Geothermal is only available in those areas where the underground thermals are available

Research considerations


  • 1) Thermionic emissions - Heating the Metal gives thermal energy to the electrons and effectively boils them from the surface.
  • 2)Secondary emission - heating the metal gives thermal energy to the electrons and effectively boils them from the surface.
  • 3)Field emissions - electrons are attracted from the metal by a strong external electric field.
  • 4)Photo electric emissions - The photo electric effect occurs when electromagnetic radiation shines on a clean metal surface and the electrons are released from the surface. The light beab supplies any electron with enough energy to remove it.  
  • Thresh hold frequency γ=γ0- for most metals the thresh hold lies in the region of ultraviolet.
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