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Mirek's Java Cellebration v.1.50

Mirek's Java Cellebration (MJCell) is a Java applet that allows playing 300+ Cellular Automata rules and 1400+ patterns. It can play rules from 13 CA rules families: Generations, Life, Vote, Weighted Life, Rule tables, Cyclic CA, 1D totalistic, 1D binary, Neumann binary, General binary, Margolus neighborhood, Larger than Life, and some of the User DLLs. It also allows one to experiment with one's own rules. The applet is a simplified version of Mirek Wojtowicz' fabulous program, MCell. It does not offer the extended features of MCell, but has one advantage over it: its usage is not restricted to MS Windows. Kudos to Mirek for putting this in the Public Domain!

To start the applet, click on the "Start" button below. The applet will show up in its own window. To start out, try loading some of the FAVORITE patterns; and then move on to the general pattern library.....if U find that U like/really get into this stuff, be sure to go to the bottom of this page where there is a link to download MCell; U will luv it!

Note: If you don't see the "Start" button after the page was fully loaded then your browser has no Java support enabled. The applet was written in a very basic version of Java (AWT 1.1) to ensure it will run with any OS and all modern browsers.


If U find the cute little clock that has been following your mouse around everywhere

to be something of an annoyance, U can control it with the on/off buttons below:



How to use the applet


Keyboard shortcuts


Mirek recommends these other Cellular Automata applets:


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