My Pictures

Saw em offSaw em offSaw em off

Kacee and Arielle.
I'd take em both
To bad they aren't aggies.

Kacee and Kristin, Some DG's from TCU.
Some more hotties
Got to find a way to get these girls to A&M.

Kacee and Roomate Denise.
They just keep comin
Well at least they can come party in aggiland

Kacee and Laurie
a lil closer please
TCU girls are good to go.

Veronica, Kacee, and Lisa.
Party animals
What's that in Lisa's hand."ooops"

Roomate Matt and Kristy
They are real tired
They look comfy

Jake, Dyer, Me, and John(the t-sip)
Yeah we're good-looking
Definetely a good day to fish.

Jake, Roxanna, & Dyer
Why did we stay up so late?
They look ready to fish.

John, Me, Carissa, Roxanna, & Dyer
We're going fishing!!!
Nice truck. To bad it aint mine.

This is Veronica and Kacee. They are wild.
This is a regular basis thing
If you want numbers just ask.

This is Veronica and she is just awesome. She is also my Salsa partner.
Girls take notes.

This is Lauri(she is a friend of a friend) and she is HOT!!
And she has really pretty eyes too.

take a number guys
Will you go out with me?

Here is Lauri looking good again.

Here is a picture of Kristy. She is making out with her friend Sami.


This is Katy. She is too smart for me and the other people on the earth and she is the nicest person.

Thanks for all the help.

These are 4 pictures of Nicole(A.K.A. the Chem Genius).

"Why are you taking this picture?"

Yeah...I don't know what she is doing here.


Here is a picture of my Friend, Brianna, with Andrea.

Yeah their wasted

This is Max our(The Matts') pet Spider. We feed him everynight.

We love you max

My Pages

About Me
Kewl Quotes
Kewl Facts