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      You are currently in my Java Stuff section.  This section has all the stuff that I made with Java.




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Java Stuff




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This section has all the stuff I made with Java.  Normally I would try to make something during the winter break or summer.  I basically just try to come up with something and make it with Java.  Many of you might wonder why I major in Accounting rather than Computer Science, well... I use to be in Computer Science, it's just that I found out that programming is not worth it as a career. 


  Strip Poker **Updated version released 1/25/04**

Click here to see a screenshot of the game.

Click here to download the game.

Click here for more stripper files (if you already have the game).

        Black Jack **Latest version released 7/9/03**

Click here to see a screenshot of the game.

Click here to download the game.

  Mega Man X Checkers **Latest version released 6/16/03**

Click here to see a screenshot of the game.

Click here to download the game.