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Pixy_wai Happy Family photo

As you can see I have six family member in my family. My daddy and mummy are standing behind four of us, I think they are always protecting us every moment including the time we taking photo, hehe...!! The girl in pink Esprit shirt is my elder sister. She is studying Mechanical Engineering in Inti Nilai. Beside my sister, the little boy with black color shirt is my brother. He is just 7 year old this year, and he is very enjoying on playing computer. Next to my brother, that my little cute sister. She is so special, she like to reading book and enjoying do homework. As you can a cake in the photo, this is my elder sister 21st birthday. There are few photo below, that I'm sharing the sweet memories of my family with you all!! Hope you guy enjoy!!

(left )Yeah, this is my mummy and daddy, aren't there close enough?

(right) This photo is taken in Bukit Tinggi, the girl with green shirt is me, beside me is my lovely mummy.

(left) Hey, this is my pretty early sister, isn't she suitable for your choice?

(right) Wah, handsome dancer!

(left) Is this Lilo??!!

(right) This two sweetie are the newborn baby in my family after 13 year.

(left) Happy Cameron Highland trip!!

(right) Hey, come and see the tomato tree.....

(left) My family member really enjoy traveling, can you see how relax they are?!!

(right) What wrong with my daddy face? Oh, I think is the camera problem.

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Copyright © 2003 by Lian Mun Wai