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Pixy@Pixie_Girlgirl Photo Gallery

Hey, this are those collection of my golden moment that start with my baby photo till I grownup. So, what are you waiting for? Come follow my word and step, and I will share the most memories time with you guys.

below)A new born baby bring to the world. This is the moment to start my life time.

(left) Wah, my mummy carry a baby with "rambutan" hair? This is me?!?

(right) This is the photo that taken when I'm 6 year old.

(left) The pretty girl with blue shirt is me and my elder sister is beside me, she is wearing same kind of shirt with me, but different color.

(right) Happy birthday to u or me? I celebrated my birthday in my kindergarten school.

(left) The baby is not my brother, but I like to play with him in my child time.

(Above) Hey, can u guess where is me? I'm the standing the 3rd left between a girl and a boy. We celebrate our birthday together in the month on January.

(right) This is my recent photo. Would u mind to be friend with me?

(Above) Can u find where is me? This me the 2nd kemp in my teenager life. I'm sitting in the middle, between the green shirt and black shirt girl.

(left) Take this photo because of the big stone?

(right) I'm the one between my aunty and Eric Moo. Isn't Eric Moo look like my father or my close uncle??!

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Copyright © 2003 by Lian Mun Wai