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My Quest

Living in such a democratic society is not always fun. I needed to spice things up a bit.

I decided to start my small quest at the only place one could begin a quest. The local home and office shop. Local Store

I had already created a list of all the materials that would be needed for the long days that followed. My list was small, but yet the items were important:

1. Long piece of paper
2. Ruler
3. Pencil
4. Faithful markers
5. Candy bar

2 items

I purchased these items and so I was on my way. I realized that I was on a mission of great importance, one that I could not afford to fail. I began by downloading the One-Sheet located at This would be my guide.

I counted the number of characters including spaces of the "Michael Moore Hates America" title. I counted 27. Each character would reserve one foot of space on this long white sheet. I rolled out 20 feet, and started the long process of copying the title as best as my awful art skills would allow me. I wrote all 27 characters in pencil, and then began the slow process of coloring in each letter. It felt like kindergarten all over again.

Slowly but surely I was able to color in all the characters. Poor markers, they ran out of ink, they shall not have died in vain.

Poor markers

Only a couple hours of boring coloring by myself and I was finished. It was a masterpiece, almost.


I only have one thing left to do. Post the banner where a great number of people would be able to view it. I decided to add a .com at the end. I knew the careful Monday drivers in their luxury SUV's would understand what it means.

I got out of bed that Monday morning and followed the grey cement path up the hill and I soon arrived at my destination.


The bridge atop the freeway. This is where I would make history. I quickly duct-taped the banner to the fence, and trotted away.

In the end it came down to this

Piece of paper: $2.49
Ruler: $0.99
Pencil(s): $1.29
Faithful markers: 11.99
Candy bar: $0.59

Bringing the truth to hard working Americans: Priceless

It was a wonderful day on a busy 4 lane freeway leading to Seattle.


Sorry about the quality, this picture was taken with a different camera. My mouse pointer somehow made its way into that picture. The banner is much more readable in real life.


I do not have a picture of the freeway. It is 4 lanes wide, with a traffic flow at around 40mph. Sadly, someone removed the banner about 2.5 hours later. Still, thousands of people saw it. It was fun while it lasted. I should not have posted it in a public place.