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quone tapes thus far

pwn001: the ballad of pouty tout and quaque

pwn002: quone sampler c70

pwn003: newton/unicorn hard-on c90

pwn004: jkae/ newton c90

pwn005: nui c60 ed. 40

pwn006: WORM HANDS - QUISS BABY ed. 15

pwn007: Broken Tape, No Choir/Worm Hands tour split cs ed. 25

pwn008: whitesuck - wick c30 (half one sided)

pwn009: Russian Tsarcasm/Worm Hands c46

pwn010: Navy Black - is for the heart c20

pwn011: Nui c15

pwn012: hospital camp c15

pwn016: Nui/New Odor split cs

pwn014: Jason Zeh - taper,sweats cs

pwn017: Mike Pitts/David Greteman c35

pwn018: ZONE OUT c25