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Lalaji Maharaj

PPPD Lalaji Maharaj incarnated in the form of a son to PPPD Hazur Maharaj at Hazuri Bhawan on December 28, 1866. His revered grand mother named Him Ajudhya Prasadh and Hazur Maharaj gave Him the spiritual name Prem Prakash. Later he was popularly known as Lalaji Maharaj.

As a child He started attending the Satsang of PPPD Soamiji Maharaj along with His father PPPD Hazur Maharaj. Soamiji Maharaj showered His inmense love on Him and would take Him into His lap and cast His gracious glance on Him for pretty long time. At the tender age of seven Soamiji Maharaj initiated Him into the Faith and composed many aartis for him. PPPD Lalaji Maharaj started practicing Surat-Shabda-Yoga along with His father. He got wholly involved in spiritual matters since His childhood. He acquired a good knowledge of Urdu, Hindi, Persian and English. He had great interest in astrology, music, horse riding and games. He was an expert player of Piano.

In 1880 He was married to the daughter of Lala Hardayal Saheb of Fatehgarh. He performed the duties of Inspector in the RMS effectively during 1886-89. Afterwards He devoted entirely in the service of PPPD Hazur Maharaj. Hazur Maharaj had once said, "Lalaji Maharaj need not serve anybody. A time will come when many a great man would bow into His feet".

After the departure of PPPD Hazur Maharaj to His Holy Abode Radhasoami Dham, PPPD Lalaji Maharaj assumed the role of Sant Satguru in 1898. During His period innumerable persons were drawn towards Him and immensely benefited. His daily routine was exactly identical to that of Hazur Maharaj. Before presiding over the Satsang meeting, He would bow and touch with His forehead the Holy Palang and chawki and Samadh of PPPD Hazur Maharaj. Shabda's were recited from Sar Bachan prose and Prem Patra were read followed by His discourse. After recitation of Holy Prayers He would wear the garland offered on the Samadh. He would then proceed to His room and read the mails and reply to them himself. Then there would be a discussion on the spiritual matters and Lalaji Maharaj would clarify all the queries. After Bhog and taking lunch He would read newspaper. Between 2:30 and 3:00 pm some Satsangis would again gather in His room and discussion on spiritual matters would take place. The main topics under discussion would be the creation of the universe. Importance of Sant Satguru, how to recognize Him and develop faith in Him, modes and ways of Bhakti, Practise of Surat-Shabda-Yoga and obstacles in it and unalloyed love for the Supreme Being Radhasoami Dayal and Sant Satguru. He would also narrate different anecdotes of Hazur Maharaj regime in details He also wrote the Biography of Hazur Maharaj which is invaluable for the followers of the Faith and seekers of truth. During the night He would spend most of His time to the practice of Surat-Shabda-Yoga.

Lalaji Maharaj's devotion was only to Hazur Maharaj and taught this to His followers. He was a Devotee first and Deity next. He would speak less but whatever He would speak He would express it firmly. He was soft spoken and would intigate the sufferings of the people through His Bachan and spiritual glance. That is why He was called Gracious Benevolent.

From the very time of Hazur Maharaj there were close relations between Lalaji Maharaj and Maharaj Saheb. In 1903 a Historical Satsang was held in the courtyard of Prem Bilas. Three special seats were laid side by side on which Chachaji Saheb (Younger brother of Soamiji Maharaj), Lalaji Maharaj and Maharaj Saheb were seated. Satsangis were seated in order of their spiritual levels.

When Maharaj Saheb fell ill, Lalaji Maharaj went to see him. Maharaj Saheb was lying in His bed as He was unable to sit. Seeing Lalaji Maharaj He uttered "How said it is that the Prince of Hazur has come and I am unable to go to the railway station to receive him". When Maharaj Saheb departed Lalaji Maharaj was there. Innumerable Satsangis from Western U.P., Delhi, Punjab and Rajasthan were drawn towards him. During 28 years of His reign He spread the Satsang far and wide. For the comfortable stay of Satsangis visiting from outside He build rooms in Prem Bilas and purchased several houses and ran the Fee Kitchen for them which is still running as it was in Hazuri Bhawan.

On prominent festivals special Satsang meetings were arranged when Satsangis gathered in large numbers. Guru Purnima, Basant Panchmi, Deepawali and Holi were such occasions. On Janmashtmi special Satsang meetings would be hold at Panni Gali Gurudwara(Birth Place of PPPD Soamiji Maharaj) and Hazuri Samadh in Hazuri Bhawan. On every Sunday He would go to bow His head on the holy samadh of Soamiji Maharaj and all the Satsangis would assemble at Soamiji Maharaj's Samadhi. Special seat would be laid for Lalaji Maharaj there. After the Satsang He would proceed to Bhajan Ghar to pay His reverence bow into the Holy Charans and retire to Prem Bagh. Food for all Satsangis was served from the Holy Kitchen at Soami Bagh and devotees would drink water from the Holy Well over there.

In 1926 plague broke out in Agra. Lalaji Maharaj shifted to Soami Bagh along with all the Satsangis where one day He said "Sun in the form of Guru is shining in all its glory and seekers should get benefited". In the morning of November 26, 1926 He called His son PPPD Kunwarji Maharaj and grand son Anand Babu and had some discussions, showered them with His graceful glance and put His gracious hand on their heads. He bestowed the reins of Satsang to Kunwarji Maharaj and left for His Holy Abode Radhasoami Dham at 8:30 am. Once again there descended a gloom on the Satsangis but soon Kunwarji Maharaj gave consolation to them and flew the stream of Hazur's grace and mercy. He drew them under His protection. Kunwarji Maharaj built the Holy Samadh of PPPD Lalaji Maharaj in Prem Bilas where Bhandara in His honour is held every year, where thousands of Satsangis from all corners of the country assemble to pay Homage to their most revered and beloved Guru.

In Radhasoami Faith Lalaji Maharaj's contribution is very important. He explained the basic tenets of Radhasoami Faith in simple manner. In the history of Satsang there is no parallel to His sacrifice and renouncement. He was born of Hazur and went into the lap of Hazur.

1866 Birth of PPPD Lalaji Maharaj
1909 Publication of Biography of PPPD Hazur Maharaj
1898 - 1926 PPPD Lalaji Maharaj as Sant Sat Guru
Nov 26, 1926 Holy Departure of PPPD Lalaji Maharaj
Dec 1926 First Bhandara of PPPD Lalaji Maharaj
1927 Construction of Samadh of PPPD Lalaji Maharaj at Hazuri Bhawan, Peepal Mandi, Agra
1966 Publication of Bachan and Biography of PPPD Lalaji Maharaj
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Soamiji Maharaj Hazur Maharaj Lalaji Maharaj Kunwarji Maharaj Dadaji Maharaj