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Msuic        The Pweor and The Lsit            

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It started innocently enough. A simple rumor. "Did you hear?, Jacques Cousteau is dead". Little did we know then of the awful horror which would follow. At first we thought it was a simple coincidence, after all Jacques wasn't exactly a youngster anymore. How wrong we were. As best we can tell Laura was seduced by the evil allure of "THE POWER". Victim two. "Have you heard?, Mother Teresa has died." This is when we all became a bit more concerned. For now it became terribly clear that Laura was not using THE POWER for good. Was she killing off Castro, no. Was she eliminating Pol Pot, no. O.J. Simpson, we could only hope. As the true potential of Lauras awesome power became abundantly clear we silently prayed for the well being of our most beloved icons. How far would she go? Was there no stopping her? Some of us foolishly thought the reign of terror was over. Lady Di had passed away and Laura had nothing to do with it, or so she claimed. How
wrong we were. Three,
John Denver. Now we are truly afraid. John Denver, my moms favorite singer. A man beloved by all suddenly gone forever. Will it ever end? Can the THE POWER be stopped? I believe not. The fourth. Sojourner, the heroic little robot sent to explore a far distant world. The cold reality of Lauras demonic influence is now felt by all. She is now able to focus her power through the vast empty expanse of space and render inanimate objects lifeless.

    When will it end? Is anyone or anything safe? Something must be done. A small but growing number of us are trying with all our might to thwart the unbearable feeling of doom pervading our souls. Can we still reach what small remainder of good Laura may still have in her? I still believe we can. No doubt it will be exceedingly difficult to over come the awesome magnitude of power Laura now possess, or should I say, is possessed by. A list was This Link Is Deadcreated. In a feeble attempt to save who we could we appealed to Lauras sense of morality, we only pray she still has the strength in herself to find it. The list, I believe, may be our only hope. I carry the list with me wherever I may go. I feel the list to be a talisman, a charm if you will, against the black evil power of the dark side now growing in Laura. The list is composed of four sections. The first part of the list pertains to people and things we do not want to perish. The second section has to do with people and things we deem acceptable for Laura to speak badly of. The third and most possibly ominous pertains to people and things Laura has spoken of in the last few weeks. The final and most compelling, the "Kill List". As if any more evidence was needed just look at the kill list, a clear reminder of the THE POWER.
A word of warning about the list. Some have endeavored to place in the
list, specifically the OK To Kill section, names Laura deems unacceptable. Such as "Hootie", and "Ditka". I witnessed first hand the sudden and total violent reaction Laura displayed when she saw those names. I have never been more in fear for my life as I was at that moment. I still have difficulty recounting that dreadful experience. The temperature of the room dropped 10 degrees, I found it harder and harder to breath, all the lights on our street flickered on and off with a steady sickening rhythm. As I fought off wave after wave of darkness I began to chant the list. I now believe the mantra like ritualistic chanting is what saved me from eternal damnation. If you believe in nothing else keep faith in the list. It may be what saves us all.

Von Scooter

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