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Origin of My Skip2Planetoid Email Address

By Skip
Created: Friday, January 31, 2003, 08:52:12 MST
Last updated: Monday, October 20, 2003, 08:43:42 MST
Changes: Changed titles.
Removed extra headers on page.

Why do we eat so much before going to bed?

Where in the world did I come up with skip2planetoid for an email address?

I currently use an email address on yahoo that is rather interesting, both in its length and its verbage. Here is my brief explanation of why I chose it.


skip - This is a nickname that I gave myself long ago. It is handle that I used way-back-when I frequented BBSs and first got involved in online communities. It wasn't nearly as common back then as it is now, and I liked it. I even made up a cartoon character named Skippy.

2 - As in to. My way of linking my handle to the next word.

planetoid - This one comes from two funny ... phrases ... locations ... texts ... err, I've heard or read them both.

Anyway, the first is from the movie "So I Married an Axe Murder" with Mike Myers. In a scene with Mike playing both himself and his father, the father is making fun of his other son who has quite a large, red afro. He uses many euphemisms to describe his head, including calling him "head" (sounding more like heed), and "it's like a small planetoid."

The second place that this comes from is a text called the "Hacker's Diet" by John Walker. In it, the author describes possible T-shirt sizes. Here's the quote:

The statistics are remarkable. We're talking megayards here; one wonders what the numbers would be if T-shirts came in Extra-Extra-Large, Jumbo, Gigantic, Colossal, Planetary, and Incipient Gravitational Collapse sizes as well as the usual S, M, L, and XL.
So, while I really wanted to use Incipient Gravitational Collapse, I decided that it would be extremely long and difficult to use, much less spell for people. So I stuck with planetoid (I thought it was kind of like planetary).

This leads me to my next rambling thought which is ... diet. More specifically, why do we eat so much before going to bed?


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