In the summer of 2005 after months of conditioning and training Slade Craven decided he would once again return to the world of efeding. This return was sparked by the need for actual character development.
"I had spent nine months of actual in ring training but I was told that I needed a character. There was no second thought about it, I knew who I was going to be. I just needed to feel the character once again. So what better way to revive one's self then to return to where the character was first created."
The true rebirth of Slade Craven began in his senior year in high school. When he began a project which allowed him to finally get a chance at studying true professional wrestling. He began his studies and still is working at it to this date. After dropping 65 lbs and putting on a little muscle mass, Slade Craven has truely been reborn. However, Slade retired his finisher 'The Fly Fly.' Now Craven uses a Bridging Deathlock. With the reduex of 'The main man' Slade began his career in Internation Championship Wrestling, the efed he decided to return to. June 1st Slade returned to the ring by debuting in I.C.W. and on June 12th he will have his first match in two years with a man named Chaos. In Slade's first match he pulled out all the stops and successfully retained his status as 'The Main Man,' defeating Chaos by a pinfall. Following Slade's victory he was assigned to square off against his long time friend, Assassin. These two knew each other very well. This dates all the way back to the early days when Slade first began,that is when he met Assassin. And from that time these two have always been in contact. However, they have never wrestled one another. yet they have been BnG Tag Team Champions together, but never once squared off. Even later news was delivered that Slade Craven would be crowned I.C.W.'s first superstar of the week by topping out in the ratings list, followed up by Dusty T. Slade has alot of things coming up in the following days. Only time will tell if Slade is so far just running on his final legs or if he really is as good as he says he is.