Real Name: Ethan Stewart
Height: 6 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 185 lbs
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Finishers: The Fly Fly (Stunner)
Trademarks: Whiplash Effect (Fireman's Carry Spinebuster), Springboard Body Splash
Slade Craven started out in the efeding business in the late fall of 2001. His
persona quickly developed into one that would rise to the top of any efed he
was in. Slade has always been a loose and fun person. However after a year
in the efeds Slade began to be sucked into the politics of the business.
"Everywhere I looked people were just wanting to go for the Heavyweight title.
I began to be one of them, I thought I was the best, what I was, was an asshole."
Slade made his home in an efed started by one of his best friends, Assassin. He
and Assassin ran the federation called P.C.W. for almost a year. Slade's first in
ring injury came at the hands of N.W.B. in March of 2002. The New World
Bitchs were a group of women who hated the persona of Slade Craven because
they felt that Slade was being favored over the others in the business. Slade was
taken out for a month before he briefly returned to the ring in the Spring of 2002.
In June of the same year Slade walked out of the business because he would be
on vacation. He returned to see that the person who replaced him had angered
several superstars and they had walked out. The Impact Players had left two titles
vacant and Slade returned to compete for the most valued, The P.C.W. Heavyweight
Championship. There is a lot of controversy over Slade's victory over the last
remaining Impact Player in P.C.W.
"Truth is I was favored in that match. I was "given' the victory because the owners
didn't know if Rhyno (my opponent) would walk out of the fed like his superior
(Bobby) did."
While this was going on Slade also challenged Maven to a one on one match up to see
if he was as good as he claimed he was. The match was an inter-promotional match
between P.C.W. and E.E.W. Slade did lose the match but he would do something to
Maven that he could never had expected. After Slade became P.C.W. Heavyweight
Champion he enlisted the help of another superstar Shadow who was making his way
to the to of the Impact Player's newly developed efed, E.E.W. Slade showed up there
after Bobby (Who ran the place along with another Impact Player Amy) was unable to
get online. Slade and Shadow dominated E.E.W. Shadow appointed Slade his Tag
Team Partner making him one half of the Tag Team Champions. Slade captured in
his short time there two other titles as well, The Undisputed Title and the Hardcore
title. Both he defeated Rhyno for. Slade to this day remains the first triple champion
in E.E.W. however when Bobby returned to find the P.C.W. Heavyweight Champion
headlining Wrestlemania, Bobby forced Slade into three title matches. Slade worked
hard to win. But was told he would automatically lose a belt because he "couldn't"
have three titles. out of spite Bobby returned at Wrestlemania and caused Slade to
lose the E.E.W. Undisputed Title.
"I knew what was happening. Bobby was pissed I had out smarted him and proved
I was as good as I claimed to be. He told me I'd get a rematch but I knew it would
be a screw job. I guess I had it coming winning the P.C.W. title the way I did. But it
still burns me that he'd sink to my level. I'm know I’m not the best. But I do believe
I'm good."
After Slade left E.E.W. in the late summer of 2002 he return to P.C.W. and wrestled
there off and on for a good six months. Everything was going well until the N.W.B.
reformed. The N.W.B. made a B-line for Slade and tried to force him out of the
business. Finally Slade, reluctantly, competed one on one with the leader, Anai on
Friday Night Meltdown on February 6th. After Slade won his friend Sean was cast
out of management because one of the managers felt Slade had "one sided the match
"I never wanted to face her. I'm not a woman beater. Sean, Steve and I finally gave
her exactly what she wanted. However we said we would write the match logically and fairly.
the thought of a 150 pound woman dominating a match with a 240 pound man is
Chyna would have been able to, but Ania was not her."
After the controversy Slade walked out of P.C.W. Slade started to build himself in a
place called U.W.A. Ultimate Wrestling Alliance. U.W.A. was started by Rhyno from
E.E.W. Slade was given management over the Saturday show. Slade dubbed the show,
Shotgun Saturday Night, after the WWE's original Saturday show. U.W.A. was shut
down though, before it could really get started.
"The U.W.A. was a place where I could have built a career in management. I wanted
to try my hand at it. Maybe part of me wanted to get back at P.C.W. for the shit that
happened there. I don't know. And I guess the real reasons for me going to U.W.A.
and it closing down after the first week will never really be known. All I do know is
that Saturday's show was going to be great."
When U.W.A. collapsed Slade took his time and stayed in retirement. He had no
reason to wrestle. He had held enough belts. He did not want to destroy his own
character by over working it. Slade spend his retirement time working and getting
things ready for the future.
"I enjoyed retirement. No need to roleplay. No politics. All I had to do was hang out and
have a good time. But something was itching me. Something was left that I still needed
to do."
Slade begin to talk, behind the scenes, with P.C.W. manager, Steve. He and Steve
reached an agreement that he could return. He could go out like he should.
In the ultimate match...
"My first P.P.V. was P.C.W. Anarchy Rulz. I faced Sting and Vince McMahon in a
handicapped 'Hell in a Cell. I walked out of that match still holding my first championship
title, the P.C.W. U.S. Title. It seemed appropriate that my career end with a similar bang.
Steve had devised a type of match early in our days working together, the Anarchy Cell.
A TLC Match all within steel cage."
Slade agreed to do the match that would take place on May 25th 2003. The P.P.V. would
called "Final Night." Slade's opponent would be Goldberg. The promotions for the match
went on for two weeks. Finally the match went down right after Monday Night Rage.
"It was a brutal match. Goldberg being the physical specimen that he is, and myself “The Main Man”. I took
the ultimate risk that night. I took the 20 ft steel ladder to the top of the 20 ft steel
cage. Goldberg was laid out on two tables after a few chair shots. I did a 40 ft moonsault
onto him. luckily the ladder fell back into the ring or else the match may have never
Slade was able to get back to his feet. however he claimed before that match was over
with that he was no longer "Slade Craven." Slade won the match under his own name,
"Ethan". The match up crowned Slade The World's Greatest Title. The title was The
P.C.W. Heavyweight Title, but it also gave Slade admittance to the P.C.W. Hall of Fame.
Make no mistake, Goldberg was also admitted. That was Slade's final match. He
swore he would not return to the world of efeding. He vowed next time Slade Craven
would be mentioned anywhere he would be wrestling.
"I will be in that ring one day. There is no doubt in my mind. I want to do this for real.
I have it up top, but now I need to show the world that 'The Main Man' is the real deal.
I need to give it to the fans 'The Way They Like It.' But more importantly, when I
have climbed the mountain, and I stand tall, I want my next opponent to
Rue The Day He Messed With The Slade!"