Yes ,yes. You've seen this image over and over, but it's worth re-using once again

Even though I was no longer pursuing a degree in Math/Stats, I still remained a member of the Math/Stat Council of Majors. The fact that I was not pursuing a degree was completely forgotten.

I always had a weakness and felt a sense of belonging with those who were considered "different" and not part of the "beaten path." You couldn't get further from the beaten path than by hanging around with mathematicians. Just as the artists and the musicians, the mathematicians could think way out there on the peripheral or as they said in Philosophy of Law, "the penumbra."

They were all nice people and highly intellectual hence why I fit in. I was also logical as they were. Creative outside of mathematics? No, they couldn't follow me there, but they certainly did have imaginations and also a sense of humor that was hard for anyone else to follow. We were all way out there in left field smelling the dandelions. In addition we all shared the same athletic activity, our ONLY athletic activity: Jumping to Conclusions!

There once was a man from Trinity,
Who tried to figure out the square root of Infinity.
But the digits gave him the Fidgets,
So he switched his discipline from mathematics to Divinity!