I meet with Shipka in her office to discuss initial plans of the two histories. Shipka suggests doing a history on UMBC student culture. She's relatively new to the university and I've been here 6 years. Even having been here that long and been around from club to club, am I in any position to answer this question? Don't know. It's like going to school with your father. I don't know anymore about this culture than she does. It seems everything I know of the culture I can find written somewhere: the UMBC Undergraduate Catalog, the Weekly Retriever, the Internet... anywhere I look, I can find something written that is already in my mind and has been my experience. I had even been at events like the Superbowl Party when the Baltimore Ravens won. Yet with all my entrancement in the culture I still felt as though I was outside looking in. I'm thinking I've bitten off more than I can chew because I don't think I can properly answer the question.