At UMBC Commons Information Desk there is a plethora of authorless text. My problem developing a concept is that I don't have a concept in mind. I have no focus or vision as to what kind of "work" I want to do nor what is the message I wish to convey. At this desk I probably would have had all the authorless text I needed, but as I said, there was no concept developed yet. I was just gathering authorless text with the thought that I would later lay it all out on a table, look at all of it and see what the text was feeding back to me what I should relieve from it. This is the same process of an artist. The artist always has the urge to create. Many times, they are not sure what is in their mind that they want to create. This is when the artist either visits a art material store or a junk yard and browses around to see what leaps off the shelf and says, "relieve a BLANK out of me! The lay person can't understand this. those that create do. That's why a t-shirt that says, "Go to your room and make stuff!" is funny to those who create.