Shipka's Office or rather The Shipka Space was like no other professor's office I ever encountered. Some professors have to share their room with two other professors. Those who are fortunate enough to have their own office were either practically empty meaning that they spent as little time there as possible or they were crammed with books and papers to the ceiling with a small pathway to the desk.

Shipka's space was furnished like a lounge: an inviting space that one would feel comfortable passing time in. There were snacks everywhere, comfortable places for several people to sit, her work desk and computer of course, but it was a lounge or a den. She specifically designed and decorated it for spending many hours within.

It seems to me her office was designed as a "think tank" for the purpose of working long hours alone or in groups or to entertain visitors. There comes a time when there is only so much work you can do until your mind needs a break. I can't remember now, but I am sure within her office were the typical stress relievers to act as distractions to give the mind a break. I'm sure there was a stereo in her office and probably hidden somewhere games for the purpose of relieving stress. As an academic there has to be a point where one has to look away from the books or the computer monitor. Again I don't remember but there was probably a small television in the room also.

The leopard print lamp and chair are actually a joke. I don't think there was anything in the room that was leopard print, but I can't properly recall now. The leopard prints are actually a joke. Shipka had once said that there probably wasn't anything made that she didn't have in a leopard print. That's why I show a leopard print lamp shade and a leopard print chair in the office. In a few sketches I have indicated that Shipka was wearing leopard print shoes or sneakers. that was true, sometimes she did wear leopard print sneakers sometimes.