I can already hear the chorus, "Get your own idea!" After workshopping, it's not like my peers are going to know what I did because no one is ever going to see it except Shipka. Shikpa does know who said what they were planning so I can't just "steal" their ideas outright. Even if I took their ideas, doing my own work my proposed methods may be different, or they may not. As with the Re-patent, I could build off their ideas and tweak them into my own although my peers ideas would be the original inspiration. This would be more typical of how we all work. few ideas are original. Most are re-contextualization of other previous ideas.
I am really being weak-minded on "this" communicative objective because I am really not coming up with something that is mine and mine alone: original. Taking a slight twist off the path of Manga and slipping into the obscenity of Hentai seems to be the correct direction because no one I have spoken to is familiar with the argument of propagating Japanese ethnicity in order to survive the likelihood of an apocalyptic showdown with the big bad bully: the U.S. The quest to pose to Japanese women reading these graphic novels is, "Are you receiving the same message I'm receiving reading these texts?"
Speaking of socio-political arguments within visuals and art, I am missing something that surrounded me the years I was growing up as a child. It's way too close to me and too obvious and that's why I'm missing it. I can now hear my old Calculus Math professor's voice. Sometimes when I brought in a problem during office hours that I couldn't solve, he'd look at it, he'd gently rise slightly out of his seat, hunch his back, put both hands out palms up and say, "It's so Ooooooooobvious! Can't you see it!" That was enough of a hint to look at the problem again and wha-la the solution was obvious.