This image is not only a recounting and rearticulation of "Chaos Day" but also marks the "pass it forward" day/date for my history of UMBC Food. It was typical in the "Shipka Spaces to have two to three events going on the same day within each space. Talk about "juggling projects"... sheeeeeeh.

Shipka informed me that we (UMBC students) had it easy in the sense that she had reduced the number of projects to four per class and increased the time to create "these" assignments. Shipka said typically her U of I (University of Illinois-Champlain Urbana) students were required to do ten such projects with two weeks to develop and complete a project.

Now, one would assume that with such a short "pass it forward" deadline that the I of U students projects would be less ambitious. Shipka showed us many examples of the U of I students projects and "these" projects were no less ambitious than ours, in most cases, these communications were more ambitious.