Sarah Miller's Word Puzzle History Day is worth noting. Sarah tended to work alone and didn't communicate her ideas on communications often similar to Greg Masters. Both may have been introverts and applied introvert writing processes when designing (see my paper, "Tutoring to Myers-Briggs Writing Processes" found here.)

I can't remember if Sarah passed out the envelopes of if a messenger was chosen. We each received an envelope of individual words. Evidently, Sarah had taken a narrative and cut it up word by word and threw them into an envelope. Our task was to create a new narrative using ALL the words in the envelope. What should be obvious is that one can weave a new narrative from the original narrative, but at some point, the text will break down because there will be words left over that cannot be put into any meaningful context hence toward the end, sentences will become meaningless.

Sarah always came up with some great ideas and this was no exception. We were never brought into what she found. She did later tell us the narrative was not her's but someone else's. She never told us how many pages or how many words were in the original narrative.

I remember that not only did the text eventually break down, but also it was a real bitch trying to figure out how to paste down the words into a new text. I chose to use clear Scotch Tape because glue stick would have quickly become a mess of goo.