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Christopher Paul's The Vietnam War Christopher Paul's Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

American History ·  The Civil War ·  Russian History ·  The Russian Constitution


Last Update Feburary 4, 2005

         Unfortunately, these notes have been lost forever. In December 2004, my storage unit was broken into and the thieves stole the contents within the unit in its entirety. With many other irreplaceable things of my personal history, my entire library of seven, 96” bookshelves, loaded with 20 years of reference books, papers, laboratory notebooks and research notes in such subjects as History, Philosophy, Psychology, English, Automotive Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, plus pleasure reading were removed.

         The original thought on this website project was to convert the 20 years of collected information from paper hard copy to a digital back-up as you see here today. As fate would have it a disaster occurred before the project in its entirety was completed.

The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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