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Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers

My Professional Writing Papers

Technical Writing ·  Exposition & Argumentation ·  Non-fiction Creative Essays ·  Grammar and Usage of Standard English ·  The Structure of English ·  Analysis of Shakespeare

Analysis of Literary Language ·  Advanced Professional Papers ·  The History of the English Language ·  First Internship: Tutoring in a Writing Workshop ·  Second Internship: Advanced Instruction: Tutoring Writing

Visual Literacy Seminar (A First Course in Methodology) ·  Theories of Communication & Technology (A Second Course in Methodology) ·  Language in Society (A Third Course in Methodology)


UMBC'S Conservative Newspaper: "The Retriever's Right Eye" ·  UMBC'S University Newspaper: "The Retriever Weekly" ·  Introduction to Journalism ·  Feature Writing ·  Science Writing Papers

The Writers Guild The Writers Guild

Papers Written for UMBC's Writing Club:

"The Writers Guild"

What is the "Writers Guild?"

The Writers Guild 1st Annual Write-A-Thon 2004

The Writers Guild "Fall Fling" Meet and Greet 2004

Quotation from the "Retriever Weekly" at the Spring Comedy Writing Workshop 2005

Coming soon: The Comedy Writing Workbook

What is the "Writer's Guild?"

        The Writers Guild is an interdisciplinary organization crossing over and blurring the lines of writing. Members come from the fields of Information Systems, Computer Science, Engineering, Philosophy, History, Mathematics, Statistics, Journalism, Psychology, Political Science and many other disciplines. In the digital age, many types of writing no longer fall into the four genres of writing. Writers are combining topics of religion, politics, science, sociology, psychology, ecology, history and philosophy, weaving them into fascinating blends of "what if?"

        Today more and more employers are requiring their employees to write in disciplines where they were never expected to write before. Employers are also expecting their employees to be able to communicate with other disciplines and function in interdisciplinary teams. The Writers Guild is a place to talk with like minds, incubate new ideas and expand your horizons in writing. So it's not just for English majors. When asked, you will find that most people want to be better writers and want to know how to get published. Let's face it, we write to be read. We all have something to say and we all have something worth being heard.

Want to know more about up and coming events?
Send an email to writersguild@listproc.
To find us on Blackboard go to the "Community" tab, then enter "writers guild" as a search word and enter.

The Writers Guild 1st Annual Write-A-Thon 2004
Background/Rules of Contest:

The Challenge: William Faulkner once wrote a story that includes an 1800 word sentence. We think that's nothing!

The Rules:

1. No lists (Ilike A, B, C, D, etc.).

2. No repeating blocks of text/no cyclical sentences.

3. No excessive use of simple conjunctions and semi-colons.

4. No plagiarism.

5. Must make coherent sense to an unbiased faculty judge.

2004 Submission:

In an effort to catch up with all my papers and clutter during the Spring Break I find that many thoughts begin to congeal and merge into one steam of thought while reviewing Introductory Formal Logic, philosophy of law, history, an old argument paper attempting to debunk that NASA ever landed a man on the moon, plus a political argument by Brett A. McKenzie, Retriever Weekly Editor-in-Chief, published March 16, 2004, in her article, "Marriage ban, like presidency, a catastrophic failure for Bush," feeling like Fox Mulder in the X-Files searching for the truth and wanting to believe, that the truth is out there, but it is sandwiched between two lies, where the art and science of logic is finding where the two lies are searching for the definitive proof of the truth, utilizing methods taught by Richard Wilson of the UMBC philosophy department and hearing the echoes of a fictitious argument between Wilson and Dr. Templeton, a true non-believer in the existence of God, where Wilson argues that through the manipulation of logic and computers, philosophy pushes ever closer to proving the existence of God, while Templeton argues that you are simple a blind man, in a black room, searching for a black cat the simply does not exist, with Wilson insisting he heard the meow of the cat, further citing that scientists have proven that carbon dating is completely wrong for it has been determined that ALL came into existence at the same time 25 billion years ago and did not as Darwin thought evolved from creature to creature, as I wrestle with all of the lies and half fallacies spewed across the airwaves, through textbooks, and web sites with people such as Brett McKenzie who believe that the most important issue of the 2004 Presidential Election is that of Homosexual Wedding Cake and her cries that there is such a thing as separation of church and state within our constitution, when one searches for such a statement no where is it to be found, but that this statement is attributed in a letter by Thomas Jefferson, in which what he meant was at this particular time, such states as our beloved Maryland, leaned towards Roman Catholicism and as with many states of the time were attempting incorporate such organized religious ideas into its state constitution where Jefferson meant that it was not for the federal or state government to recognize a particular religion as its "official religion," bearing in mind that the government was not to establish a formal religion, but that this was not the same as is viewed by the Judicial branch that there is such a thing in the philosophy of the law as "natural law" or "God's Law," with no reference to any particular God, but that this God is a secular God, representing all religions and that this God's law supersedes all of man's laws, establishing a viewpoint that if man's law is in conflict with God's law, then it is God's law which takes precedence therefore brings us back to homosexual wedding cake where Brett cares to argue that it is a matter of the suppression of one's civil rights not to marry someone chooses, but one such as Brett becomes hard pressed to reveal a citation or a truth anywhere in any organized religion where homosexuality is natural or within the law of nature, henceforth within God's law, and as the argument continues, the issues of importance that are ignored by both sides of the isle are the issues of language, boarders and culture, as illegal immigrants continue to pour across the boarder, stressing our hospitals, educational and our economic system, bring with them such diseases as tuberculosis which has been reported on our own campus here at UMBC, when only a few years ago, such diseases as measles had been almost annihilated from the face of the earth, as our immigration officials are forced to turn a blind eye due to the mantra of the left for political correctness we would be cited by the ACLU, with their red diaper doper baby lawyers raised on seltzer and corned beef, who we graduated from law schools such as NYU and Berkley will use the mantra and cite it as violation of the civil rights of non-citizens who both sides are willing to ignore their entrance with a blind eye for their own purposes as forms of cheap labor and as new voters for either side, while we continue to drive to the supermarket looking for the best bargains on fruits and vegetables from places as Argentina and Chile who continue to spray with DDT's we, so long ago went through a great deal of trouble to eliminate from the food system as we then swing over to Wal-Mart in search of the cheapest goods, most of which are imported from China, while not realizing that China has become the largest buyer of American scrap steel and that American manufacturers cannot purchase the stuff because of the contracts sealed signed and delivered with the scrap collectors, continuing to fuel the Chinese economy with out the understanding that all of that scrap steel as we had once sold to Japan before WWII will come back at us in the form of a bomb, but why should the human ticks care, after all it is their primary function to take, take, take, giving nothing in return until they literally explode from feeding on everyone around them in society and returning nothing, convincing people like McKenzie that socialism, even though it has not worked in any economy in existence are convinced that it has not been successfully tried and it can be made to work, missing points such that it has been tried and tried and it just doesn't work, in addition to the Nazis, Soviets and the Communist Chinese who chose to eliminate religion or God's law from the political system were the first to annihilate civil rights in the name of the state, as other fallacies continue to circulate as those who attempt to debunk man's landing on the mood through a selected few photographs which may very well been re-shot in an earthly studio for enhancement, yet one as myself chooses to believe in that believing explicitly infers something which one cannot rationalize to re-enforce its truth, for as Fox Mulder's incarnate, I choose to believe for as early as age four it was my wish to grow up as an astronaut, viewing every space launch with bated breath and saying someday, I'm going to do that, sitting riveted as many did, in front of their black and white televisions, as Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the surface of the moon in Apollo 11, reciting the famous words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," without the realization that back in the fifties it was a well known fact that in order to prevent secret transmissions for being intercepted that it was possible to transmit from Cape Canaveral to Houston bouncing the transmissions off the moon in order to prevent interception and that the whole landing could have been staged from a movie set that would have left Hollywood jealous, but I choose to believe because it was what I wanted to believe for as John Kennedy had a dream, I too shared the same dream, that it was possible to put a man on the moon only to find that the rhetoric of the sixties was correct, as Patrick McGoohan cited in his production of "The Prisoner," "I trust no one, I trust only myself!" only to witness my own beloved government begin to show its true colors as the Watergate scandal unfolded, to begin to recite, my own mantras, that one can only trust himself, that the truth is sandwiched between two lies and it is the genuinely intelligent man who can see through both political sides to see that both have the same objective, that of a new world order, but that the two sides only differ in their methods of achieving that objective, to find that some believe that it was the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused the Japanese to surrender when it was in fact that days before, the Japanese had information that the Russians now having completed its mission in eliminating Hitler as a threat decided this was the perfect opportunity to acquire the warm water port so many czars before them attempted to acquire and that with the Americans keeping the Japanese occupied with a war front in the east that it would be a simple matter to push across the continent of Asia and begin a war with Japan, forcing her to conduct a war on two fronts, that of the east and the west, knowing through attrition Japan could not sustain such a war for it was a simple matter for Russia to continue in a wartime economy, and that making the appearance that Russia was coming to the aid of the Americans that she would gain her treasured warm water port as part of a treaty through the spoils of war, with Japan knowing this the emperor decided that Japan could not sustain a two front war for any length of time and decided to succumb to the lesser of two evils in admitting defeat to the Americans, whose great experiment in democracy is the only experiment to stand the test of time so far because of it's inherent stability of having only two viable political parties, due to statistical strength, in case of a stalemate, the vote will be a dead heat of fifty-fifty and not three portions of thirty three and a third, where many Americans long for a third political alternative, choosing to vote for one political affiliation not because they believe in their agenda, but because the side they vote for will prevent the other side in getting in, but knowing full well why our system works is because of a two political party system, carrying to ideologies, that of the left being that Government will provide and that of the right that Government that governs least an ideology that has been held since the birth of this nation even though the names of the political parties has changed with time, the philosophies have remained, while here we are only few days over two hundred we once again will have to decide exactly what direction as a nation are we going in anyway as so many of us seem to forget that the issues of concern are not homosexual wedding cake, for I care less for this or as Marie Antoinette said, "let them eat cake," no my mind is focused on boarders, language, culture, the senseless slaying of three thousand civilians who were brutally murdered because of the concepts of a civilization that is dictated by only a meaningless few but have all the media tied up in their hands which is not to say that we deserved it for it is only a few that push their agenda which is caught up in senseless violence, an obsession with sex, education being the proper way to place a condom on a cucumber and the continuing exploitation of the masses through amnesty for illegal immigrants as being the way to liberation, for it is up to us to make the decision of which direction is correct, so as one passes through this vortex of thought and language one has to as themselves; was it really necessary for Jimi Hendrix to excuse himself while he kissed the sky?

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An example of a Writers Guild advertisement

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Quotation from the "Retriever Weekly" at the Spring Comedy Writing Workshop 2005

         "The Writers Guild is a web based community where aspiring writers may have their creative works reviewed and constructively critiqued by peer editors. One of the exciting things that occurred this year is that a work entitled, "The Frozen Sea," that was submitted for peer review was submitted afterwards to the Bartleby Creative Arts Journal and won first place in the fiction genre, demonstrating the effectiveness of the Writers Guild."

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The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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