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undefined So you made it here huh? Well, now you have to beat round 2.... This time it is even harder. It will be similar to the first, but this time only a few clues. *The Username is 5 letters/numbers. *The Username is an identifiable word. *The Password is 10 letters/numbers. *The Password consists of letters and nubmers in random orders. That is all for hints.....


*The 3rd letter/number is the either letter of the Pledge.

*The 4th letter/number is is the first letter of the object you touch on a piano.

*The 1st letter/number is last letter of the alphabet, minus 7 letters.

*The 5th letter/number is the most common letter there is.

*The 2nd letter/number is the fist letter of the object you use to smell with.


*The 5th letter/number is the first letter of the third sport I like to do. (check profile).

*The 2nd letter/number is the letter after the first letter of the username.

*The 9th letter/number is the 5th letter/number of ChallngeI's password.

*The 6th letter/number is the first letter of the word you use when you want something to eat.

*The 1st letter/number is the first letter of Mc'Donalds first name.

*The last letter/number is the 6th letter of discombubulated.

*The 7th letter/number is the first letter of a very, very bad word.

*The 3rd letter/number is the first letter of the most common last name.

*The 4th letter/number is the number that 7 ate.

*The 8th letter/number is how many fingers there are in a peace sign.

So you made it to round 2, but do you think you beat it? Send me a mail here.mail. In the mail tell me the Username and Password, I will then send you the link to ChalengeIII, that is if you succesfully complete this one.