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Cheese Napalm

This one will be good. We all know that cheese has amazing properties, But is vastly underused by the general public. Cheese could just as easily be cheap insulation and packing material, could be used as rocket fuel, could pave the streets of New York, the list goes on and on. In this experiment, we take advantage of the fact that cheese has the lowest melting point of any natural element, and is gooey when melted, and maintains heat at near-the-sun temperature.

Ahh, cheese. First things first, get as much cheeeeese as possible. Velveeta is the preffered brand, as it is made of recycled tires anyway.

Now, you load all of your cheese into a large, prefferably aluminum bomb-shaped container. Aluminum, because that is basically the most amazing compound in existence. Load some tiny pressure-trigger fuses into the tip of the missile thingy, to start the fire in the cheese core.

For artistic purposes, you have to color your containers, and throw a little cheese decal on there so you know what's in it.

Now unleash your crazy cheeeeeeeeeeeeese napalm strike on something. Some arbitrary target, the house of that guy who stole your candy bar in kindergarten, whatever. The important thing is, you're using cheese. And that's all that matters.

And there you have it. Napalm, but with cheese. It should work, if all my calculations were correct. And they were, I was wearing a smart-hat when I did them.