Monitor of DOOOOOM

Did you know that even if you unplug a computer monitor for 6 months, it has enough charge left in it to kill you? That is a good thing to know, if you have lofty goals like the unnamed world domination faction hailing from a certain highschool I cannot name (for it would jeprodize our mission). This tool will be well utilized in the following schemes. We shall test it on Patrick, at his request.

Take your average monitor. Maybe you've got an old one, you can buy one from a friend for like twenty bucks, doesn't have to be good.

Now take a bid ole hammer, cause IT'S HAMMERTIME! (I'm gonna get sued for that). GRESH SMASH! Have fun with it.

Now you can tie the screen to a door or something and set up an awesome trap. Haha!

How dare you open that door you lil stickman snot? Take that! HAHAHA! ZAP! Ok then, using the transitive property of animation, we simply move the lightning bolt frome the last picture to this stickman's hand, and there you have it.

Now, I'm trying to cut back on the rampant stick-violence, so let's give an alternative use. You can use it to make POPCORN!!! YEEHAW! (yes, that's a bowl of popcorn)

That's that. There are countless other things you could do with this I'm sure, but I'd have to do so many .bmp's in paint, and frankly I'm just too lazy to do it. You should know that.


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