Blight Bay
Welcome to the Domain of the High elves, Here you will
find a lot of information on the elves of Ulthuan. And your guide will
show you around are home at the Inn.
The High Elf shows you a piece of paper on it it shows all the different kinds of troops the High elves use in war
- Cavalry: Silver Helms, Dragon Princes, and Reaver Knights
- Infantry: Archers, Spearmen, Lothern Sea Guard, and the Shadow Warriors
- Elite Infantry: Swordmasters of Hoeth, White Lions of Chrace, and The Phoenix Guard
- War Machines: Tiranoc Chariot, Reapeter Bolt Thrower
- The Upper Class of the elven race: Mages, Champions, Hero's, and Generals
- Monsters: Dragons, Giant Eagles, Cockatrice, Manticore, Hippogriff, Pegasus, Unicorn, Chimera, and a Griffon
- Special Characters: Alith Anar, The Shadow King, Eltharion the Grim, Alarielle, the Everqueen of Averlorn, Belannaer, Loremaster of Hoeth, Korhil captain of the white lions, Caradryan, Captain of the Phoenix Guard, Tyrion, Champion of the Everqueen, Teclis, High Loremaster of hoeth, and Imrik, Lord of Dragons.
The Elf says to you, go here when done
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