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How to Join the Players List!

  • 1.Send the Following information toMax!!
  • 2.Your Race that you Play(only one Please)
  • 3.A Fantasy Name for Yourself
  • 4.Your Favoritte Battle Experience(Most Important)
  • 5.The Font Color You want it!

    Name: Zolipippa the Slann


    Favoritte Battle Experience: When 45 SKINKS did not Even harm Louie "lion" Couer the stupid brettonian king

    Tyrion, Champion of the Everqueen

    Race:High Elf

    Favoritte Battle Experience: In one Battle you know those knight fools whom call themselves, Brettonians, the Savage Beasts attacked me! but I personaly Slayed Reponse De Lyonse and The Green Knight in the same battle Without a Scatch!

    Lord Zain the Destroyer


    Favoritte Battle Experience: When 50 High Elf and 45 Wood Elf Archers Shot at Lord Zain and did not cause 1 wound with 50% of them within point blank!!!

    Lord Skrolk


    Favoritte Battle Experience: The Children of Nurglitch(skaven censor bearers) take the sublime pleasure in sharing the odour of Warpstone Censers with Brettonian Knights.

    Lord Valay of Karak-Kadin


    Favoritte Battle Experience: Finally Slaying a Slann Lord after 3 rounds of Hand to Hand Combat, who made 26 saves on shield of the old ones 4+.(not Consecutive)

    Race:Orcs & Goblins

    Favoritte Battle Experience: Level 2 Night Goblin Shaman with Frost Blade and Potion of Strength Kills a Chaos Dragon on the Last turn to win by 1 victory point. I even forgot that wizards have 1 less attack then their level. He even played Levitation on Dragon!

    The Mad Lord of Averland

    Race: Empire

    Favoritte Battle Experience:I fought a 1000 pts. battle with a Dwarf player. He had one regiment with some obscene stuff. I kept back a pounded his guy till both my cannons had gone kaboom! He had 1 model left (some dwarf lord), So I charged with everything that I had ( I only lost 2 cannons. I lost the game.8(

    Sir Feldamar of Carcassonne

    Race: Bretonnians

    Favoritte battle experience:The day that one of my lowly units of Peasants with longbows managed to reak and destroy a flock of harpy's, pursuit farther into into the flsnkd of DE spearmen rout them, and become Elite!

    Race:Wood Elf
    Using trator of tarn to take over my opponents best unit

    Kurt Helborg
    Race: Empire
    Favorite Battle Experiance: When Tzarina Katarin's horse killed the last
    remaining knight of a 15 man strong unit of knights of the realm with a 2
    heros and Morgana which let me win the battle by 2 VP's.

    That's all folks keep the submissions coming remember the day of Day after I get them They Will Be on the net! Thanx The Creater of this Webpage Max The Keeper of the Warhammer Inn


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