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Hello, and welcome to the "All About Me" Section!

Full Name: Joel Le Blanc
Name Meaning: God Is Willing
Birthday: July 22nd, 1985
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: ???
Favorite colors: Light Blue, Grey
Hobbies: Computers (web pages), Music, drawing.
Favorite food: Big Macs, Ice Cream, fried chicken
Least favorite food: Baked Beans :(
Favorite Gem Stone: Saphire, Moon stone
Favorite subject: Science, Music
Least favorite subject: English
Has trouble with: Sports
Strong points: Fan Art, Web sites, music
Dream: To own my own Animal Shelter, or to be a web designer.
Height: 5'8 1/4"

Currently you can reach me at this e-mail, and several nights a week I am chatting on Halsoft Virtual Chat under the screenname Ninefaces.
For those who are interested in learning more about 'ME', my online journal can be found at under the name Reflectionz (Look in Public Diaries). ;)

Thanks to Lycentia for the layout! Go an check out her totally amazing site!
Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop