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We use the most state of the art Equipment and Chemicals available on the market to clean your Carpets, Furniture, and Draperies.

The Para-Mount System

The Mega-Port System

The Dry Cleaning System



Our Truck Mounted Carpet Cleaning System

The Para-Mount carpet cleaning equipment is the ultimate cleaning system - the result of years of development and refinement. It is designed as a truck-mounted operation with enough water capacity to work all day and eliminates dirty water pumped onto streets. It has the lowest maintenance time and cost in the industry. The low profile design distributes weight evenly in the van. Of special note are the deluxe features consisting of electric automatic hose reels with power assisted loading and unloading, and a stainless steel recovery tank.

The Para-Mount provides the same fast drying time, positive moisture control, chemical blending system, and quick set-up time - both truck-mounted and portable - as is found in other Bane-Clene systems.



The Mega-Port carpet cleaning equipment is the first completely portable unit with stainless steel construction and positive displacement componentry. The power and positive moisture control are comparable to our truck-mounted equipment, without the poorly designed plastic or fiberglass construction and weak composition which accompany other portable equipment.
The Mega-Port is perfect for in-house use, janitorial services, or on-location carpet and furniture cleaning. Machine may utilize up to 100' of solution hose and vacuum hose for carpet and upholstery cleaning.

For greater versatility in your cleaning operation, you can now dry-clean furniture and draperies. Our System I was designed for on-location dry cleaning of fabrics which cannot be wet cleaned.


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