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Tonight Show with Jay Leno
november 6, 1997

Tom Jones

Tom   Yeah!
Jay   Hey boss!
Tom   Hi!
Jay   Just great!
Tom   Thank you.
Jay   Mr Chops
      Just great
Tom   Let's get rid of these things
Jay   That was great.
Tom   Thank you.
Jay   Now this movie.  "The full monty".  Did you think it would become 
      such a hug hit?
Tom   No (laughter)
      When I was asked to do it.
      Ann Dudley, the girl, that did the music, she used to be part of 
      the Art of Noise.
      So when I did "Kiss" you know with the Art of Noise.
Jay   Right right right
Tom   But the song is "You can leave your hat on" 
      You fancy singing it
      I said sur
      Because I knew the Joe Cocker version, so I said, "Yeah, let's do 
      That was it
      We thought it was going to very funny english movie.
      But we never knew.
Jay   You could have been a "Full monty guy"
Tom   Well I've gone the full monty.
Jay   Have you gone the full?
Tom   I've gone the full monty a few times myself so --
      So I knew what it was.
      But the full monty means the whole way.
Jay   Oh yeah!
Tom   And doesn't actually have to be stripping.
      I could be, I could be anything
      It's just like the whole mine yards.
Jay   Right right mine yards
      First of all let me say
      You sound as great as never.
      Now I know you had some trouble a while back, didn't you lose 
      yours voice for a while?
Tom   I did two months ago -- Just over two months ago.  I had what's
      called reflux in the stomach.  It's a like a gaz acid build up,
      and it came up in the middle of the night,and it got onto
      my vocal chord.  So actually burned my right vocal chord.
Jay   Wow
Tom   And it had never happened before
      I mean, I've lived with heartburn most of my life.  But it was
      the first time it ever happened.  So I went to see my doctor 
      and he says it's come from your stomach.
      It's not laryngite, or anything.
Jay   Yeah.
Tom   And it's just landed right on your right vocal chord.
      "So you just have to shut up"
Jay   And how long were you down for?
Tom   Two months.
Jay   Two months!
Tom   Yeah.
Jay   That's like lifetime "cause I never know you to go more than like 
      a weekend work.
Tom   And I love to talk.  So when he said "There's no talking, there's
Jay   Well you sound
Tom   No drinking and no cigars
Jay   No drinking!
      Oh my God!
      You poor lad
      You most have died
Tom   I still haven't had a drink of alcohol, yet.
      So I think tomorrow night could be the --
Jay   Tomorrow night could be the
      Well man, you deserve it.
      You did a great job.
Tom   Thank you.
Jay   Mr Tom Jones, that's the CD will right back right here.
Jay   Tom Jones, thank you.
Tom   Thank you.




Ces photos ont été prises par Lucie Chartrand de vidéos d'entrevues.

These pictures were taken by Lucie Chartrand from a video of the interview.

Merci de ne pas utiliser mes photos, fonds et dessins à d'autre fin que votre usage personnel.

Thank you for not using my pictures, backgrounds and drawings excepted for your personal use.

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