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My Scariest Picks

By 'My Scariest Picks' I'm talking about the movies that have had the ability to scare me the most. Well, actually, these movies are the only ones that scared me at all...and still give me the heebie geebies today.

The Excorcist

Although slow paced, it really scared the sh*t out of me. Still today it gives me the willies. I really like this movie to...mainly cuz it has the ability to make my skin crawl.

Night of the Living Dead

No other zombie movie does it for me like this one. I don't know exactlt what it is, but this movie kept me on the edge of my seat. I think I'm just afraid of zombies...they are freaky. This movie just seems so realistic(if that's possible for a zombie movie). I just hate the end when Tony Todd's character ends up a zombie...he kicked a**.

And last but not least...

Ok, it's not the movie Poltergeist that scares me...although I loved the movie...but it's that damn clown that does it. I hate clowns anyway, and this one is just so freaky. Look at'em...I can't watch that scene today without having my nerves rattle a little.

So there you have it. My Scariest Picks. What about you? I'd like to know what movies scare you. You know where my message board is...let me know. (if you forgot, it is on the mainpage..."back to main".)

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