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Draken Malhavoc says:
"But the luv we share is only a new blossoming part of my life
and the dew on the stem just begining to glisten the rest
of my fields are dark and ridden with poison and
infretility and i find it hard switching my thoughts
from the darkness to the flower"

Morticia Malhavoc says:
"And see what we have become,
two baron ships that past in the nite.
Set to forever drift, forever further, one
from the other on this...
Our blackened poisoned sea
of luv forever lost"
taim ig'nra leat,mi'amore. The final words...

I am a 45 year old female living in Riverside, California. I love to spend the early mourning hours strolling through the cemetery down town; sharing my time with the unknown. The wonder of it all seems to beckon me from all aspects. I dont know how to explain it really, as I have been drawn to cemeteries since I was a young gurl. I embrace deaths coming with out streched arms. However most would say I'm a bit strange for such an act, yet I look forward to returning and doing it all over again. Well I hope that you will enjoy your visit to my little corner of the web, please take a moment to leave your thoughts with The Grave Marker... Remember to Embrace Darkness...
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Tina the Troubled Teen

~*~ She Hangs Her Head In Sorrow ~*~

~*~ For Everyday Her Tearz Have Fallyn ~*~
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He Who Holds My Heart
The Photo Crypt
The Photo Mausoleum
Empty Reminiscing
Thought's In Darkness
Eternal Greetings


ICQ #111050609